Chapter 24

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The Knights of Ren walked into the throne room, dragging a figure with a black bag over his head and bound hands.

They threw the figure onto the floor in front of Kylo Ren.

"I didn't expect a gift," he said.

"We were chasing him when we received your message," Ushar said, thumping his war club down.

"Listen friend," the figure said from the ground, "there's no need for violence: why d-d-don't we make a deal?"

"Get him up," Kylo said.

Yanking him onto his feet, they ripped the bag from his head to reveal DJ. He blinked at the sudden light.

Kylo looked at the distant wall, "Did you search him?"

Vicrul rested his curved scythe blade over his shoulder and tossed a sack filled with every conceivable lock picking apparatus.

"Any weapons?" Kylo asked.

Cardo dropped a blaster down to their left.

Kylo's eyes shifted to it, "A quality weapon?"

"Hardly," Cardo said getting out his own and obliterating it, leaving nothing but a pile of smoking ash.

"Not favouring your cannon?" Kylo asked dryly.

Cardo looked at the bulky structure attached to his right arm, "Didn't want to mark the floor."

The tone shifted in an instance.

"Where is the Resistance?" Kylo Ren demanded staring intently at DJ.

"T-t-the Resistance? Not a clue," he replied.

"You assisted rebel scum escaping from a prison in Canto Bight and helped them to infiltrate our dreadnought."

"I also struck a deal with you guys when we got caught. I gave you very valuable information in exchange for my freedom."

"And a considerable payment."

"T-that too."

"Where are the Resistance hiding?"

"I haven't seen a single Resistance soldier since your flagship got blown into pieces and set on fire. I took my money and got out of there man. I wish I knew where these guys were; I wish I had some big knowledge I could learn you, but I d-d-don't."

"Trudgen perhaps you can help him to remember."

He hefted his enormous vibrocleaver and held it perpendicular to DJ's neck.

"Hey!" he said trying to flinch away but Vicrul held him in place, "Can't tell what I don't know."

"Trudgen," Kylo said lifting his fingers and the knight raised the cleaver.

DJ squirmed, "Ok! Ok! I got some learning; just get your masked friend to put d-down the hatchet."

Kylo raised his eyebrows and Trudgen resettled the cleaver across his back.

"The girl...Rose...she had a necklace made of Haysian smelt. Go to Hays Minor maybe they're t-t-there."

"Hays Minor," Kylo considered, "It's possible, unlikely but possible."

Leaning away in relief, DJ smiled, "Glad to help you, Supreme Leader."

"Is there anything else?"

He shook his head rapidly, "Not a thing, I told you all."

Kylo Ren nodded, "Then my men will help you on your way. Ushar attend to our guest."

"With pleasure, Master."

He and Kuruk hauled DJ backwards out of the room.

"You're releasing me right?" he shouted.

No answer came.

"I t-told you what you wanted to know!"

Kylo's lip twitched, "I had to ask twice."

DJ's yelling could be heard until he was taken into the turbolift.

"My apologies, Master," Ap'Lek said, "We hoped that with the correct pressure he might reveal something more useful."

"It is always hard to determine how much a liar actually knows," Kylo said keeping his voice even, "But I have good news...General Organa is dead."

Trudgen tightened the grip on his vibrocleaver, "And the past along with her, now the future can herald the new order."

Kylo nodded, "I sense that the loss of the general has unbalanced the young Jedi. Now is the time for us to strike. Tell Hux to include Hays Minor in his search. Perhaps the answer does lie in the Otomok system. You may go."

The remaining knights bowed their heads and marched out.

Kylo stood suddenly and approached one of the plinths around the edge of the room. He pressed the release button and his grandfather's burnt mask was revealed.

Closing his eyes and holding his hand over it, he tried to centre himself as he reached out with the force.

"Show me," he whispered, "Show me the power of the dark side."

He felt surrounded by it: his anger rising as the sensation of invincibility enveloped him. In that moment he felt like he could do anything, that there were no boundaries he couldn't surpass.

"Embrace your fate," Darth Vader's voice spoke, "You have only just begun to discover your true power. Do not lower your defences or allow yourself to become distracted. Fulfil your destiny and find me...grandson and then you will end this conflict and rule the galaxy."

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