Chapter 8

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The Mirialan boy entered the mess hall still in his stormtrooper armour. The entire room of children in their new civilian clothes turned to stare at him.

He marched to where the food was being served, snatching a tray and getting himself to a large helping.

Selecting an empty table, he set his helmet down and began to eat quickly.

Finn came across with his own meal and sat opposite him.

The boy glared.

"You don't need to eat so fast," Finn said between mouthfuls, "No one here is going to take your food away until you're done."

He leant back and sneered, "You think you're so much better than me don't you?"

Finn narrowed his eyes, "Why do you say that?"

"This hero act. It's probably got all of these rebel scum fooled...but not me."

"Like I said," Finn shrugged, "you can say whatever you want."

Standing suddenly, he pushed his tray away, "I've lost my appetite."

The room stopped again as he walked out and down the corridor. Poe stood in his path.

"Is there a reason I can't pass?" the boy snapped.

Poe smiled, "Down there is not open to civilians. You can have free reign of the mess hall and living quarters back that way."

"How is this any different from the First Order?"

Taking a step forward, Poe hardened his stare, "Because if it were you'd have been reprimanded for how you're choosing to talk to me right now. What did your base favour: electric prods or old fashioned beatings?"

The boy's eyes flashed.

Poe went on, "We don't do that here. Even when people are being rude and disrespectful to those trying to help them."

He took a long steadying breath, "In that case I want to go to my room."

"By all means," Poe said, "follow me."

Back in the mess hall Rose approached Finn, her hand resting on his shoulder and squeezing it. He turned smiling as she placed a kiss on the top of his head.

"You ok?" she asked sitting.

Finn sighed, "Kid knows how to push people's buttons that's for sure."

"It's all so new for him, Finn. Give him time."

"I know," he said, putting his cutlery down, "it just keeps feeling like this endless cycle. We save one group, they test us to the limit, eventually they get less difficult and then we take them home. Then another group comes in and it starts all over again."

"More than anyone else Finn, you can understand why that boy is acting the way he is," she said soothingly, "You'll get through to him."

He nodded, wanting to change the topic, "What you got in your hand?"

"Oh," Rose said looking down at the hat she was holding, "I thought that Kyra might want it."

"You should go give it to her."

"I will, I don't want to do it in front of the others. I'll wait until they're settled in the living quarters."

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