Chapter 68

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Poe hovered his X-Wing beside the Millennium Falcon, "Do you need a tow?"

"That depends on how much progress Jannah and R2 are making," Lando replied over the com.

Jannah looked up from the large wall of wires as R2-D2 beeped his response.

She slid the last connection cable in, "That should do it."

In the cockpit a series of buttons lit up.

"Nice work," Lando said, "Where do you want us to land?"

"Mon Calamari cruiser Liberty," Poe said, "Have you got space for our fighters?"

"Indeed we do," they replied.

"All escape pods and vessels of the Resistance fleet, set a course to the cruiser Liberty."

"Copy that," dozens replied.

Poe sat back in his chair and exhaled freely for the first time in days, "That's a very appropriate name your vessels got there."

"That it does, General. That it does."

Finn came down the ramp of the Falcon.

He looked around from side to side, going up on the tips of his toes until he spotted Rose. Their eyes locked and they ran towards each other, she threw herself into his arms. He lifted her from the ground and spun them around. By the time he lowered her back on her feet they were laughing.

"We did it!" he said kissing her and resting his forehead on hers.

She grinned.

R2-D2 approached C-3P0.

"I'm so glad that you are safe R2," he said as they turned and watched everyone around them crying and hugging.

Lando, Jannah, Wedge, Chewie, Connix, Maz, Beaumont, Aftab and Zorii with Babu on her shoulder and D-0 at her feet were all walking around in a happy daze.

Colonel D'Arcy and Wrobie kissed and embraced, clinging to each other.

The children were in clusters excitedly exchanging stories of the enemy ships they'd destroyed.

Kyra approached Finn and Rose.

He placed a hand on Kyra's shoulder, "How did your first battle go?"

"I took out six TIEs."

"Six...not bad for your first try. Not bad at all."

"The Mirialan boy..." she swallowed, "he died helping me and Maz escape."

Finn nodded, unconsciously taking Rose's hand in his, "...You alright?"

"...Yeah he...his name was Ashar."

Finn smiled sadly, "He did a very brave thing."

"He did."

"I'm glad you and Maz are safe."

Kyra slowly took off the hat she had been wearing since Rose gave it to her, "Thank you but...I don't think I need it anymore."

Rose took it, "Finn was right...he said we'd make a rebel of you."

Poe's X-Wing was the last to land.

The canopy of his fighter lifted as he climbed out and BB-8 lowered himself to the ground.

He knelt beside the droid, "You alright, buddy?"

BB-8's head slid back and he bleeped happily.

"You too," he said standing and saw Zorii.

Pressing his lips together he nodded respectfully. She tipped her helmet back as Babu waved and D-0 wheeled towards them.


He sensed someone behind him and turned to find Finn running across. They pointed at each other as they hugged before leaning back and smiling.

"You alright?" Poe asked.

"Couldn't be any better. You look terrible."

"I look terrible? We just won the war and you're commenting on my appearance?"

"Aren't General's the face of the Resistance? You look bad, we look bad."

Poe pulled him back in for a hug, "You look awful too."

Finn chuckled, seeing Chewie picking Rose up as he gave her a bear hug, "...It's finally over."

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