Chapter 35

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The First Orders generals sat waiting tensely as Kylo Ren stood at the head of the table.

Silence followed as everyone waited for him to speak.

In the end he only trusted himself with a single word, "...How?"

Hux remained very still as he answered, "The rebel scum seem to have created some kind of energy weapon that disrupts our ships operating systems."

"Is there a good reason why we were unaware of this weapon?"

"...We have very little information about the nature of this maybe a recent acquisition."

Kylo stared at him for a long moment, "And the person responsible for assuring us that our systems were immune to such failures?"

"Dealt with. I did it myself."

Kylo walked to stand at the other end of the table, "I want the nature of this energy weapon studied and our deflector shields modified to withstand any future attacks."

General Pryde sat forwards, "That will be difficult given that our smaller fighters have no shielding."

"...Then give them shielding."

"We have thousands of TIE fighters in our fleet," he said sceptically.

"The First Order is one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy," Kylo roared, "We have access to resources on an unimaginable scale. They are a group of disorganised rebels hiding in boltholes on gutter planets."

The generals stared at his sudden outburst.

He took a deep breath, "Make every repair and modification that is needed."

"Our scientists have been studying the information we collected before our systems went down," Hux said quickly.


"They have assured me that with the correct application of improvements we should be immune to future system failures."

"How is this different from their previous assurances?" Kylo said menacingly.

"The execution of the previous chief scientist was in front of his successor. He understands that any false promises will have severe consequences."

Kylo stepped across and stood over him, pointing down into his face, "Inform him that I will deal out such consequences myself."

Hux nervously nodded, "I will, Supreme Leader."

Kylo stalked to the viewport, "Send the Knights of Ren to me."

"Of course."


The generals gladly left him alone.

He let his breathing become steady and slow; feeling the loss of his grandfather's helmet and the resulting disconnection as he reached out beyond himself.

His closed eyes moved rapidly behind his eyelids, straining to find what he was looking for.

"Grandson," a deep voice said, "you have failed me. You allowed yourself to be diverted from your fate. You were supposed to be seeking me, not hunting down stray Jedi."

"But they are our enemy."

"Once you have my power you will not need to fight them!" Darth Vader snarled, "Then nothing will stand between you and the galaxy!"

"Forgive me, grandfather."

A long pause followed.

"Come to me," he commanded.


"Do you see it?" Darth Vader said as an image was projected into Kylo's mind.

A wild sea was roaring in the distance, low clouds obscuring everything above the water. A quick wind swept the clouds away slowly revealing the huge decaying bones of a Death Star, the curved half remains of the superlaser focus lens tilted towards the shore. Somewhere far above a single ray of sunlight broke through the grey weather and shone on a small section towards the top of the wreckage.

"...Find me."

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