Chapter 30

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Rey sat back heavily on a bed in the medbay as the medical droid tended to her shoulder wound.

Poe entered still dressed in his flight suit with Chewie close behind him howling loudly. The droid moved quickly away as he threw as his arms around Rey.

"I'm ok, it's only a small laceration," she said wincing as he grazed her bandages.

"What the hell happened?" Poe asked.

"Kylo Ren appeared through the force bond."

The wookiee patted her head as he continued to grumble further.

"Well his timing is terrible," Poe said folding his arms, "You ok?"

Chewie pawed at her uninjured arm and growled softly.

"He just got me in the shoulder. I'll be fine with a bit of rest," Rey said trying to console him, "How many fighters did we lose?"

"I don't know yet," Poe said tiredly, "We're still trying to get a list of everyone back on the cruiser."

Rey blinked heavily starting to feel the effects of the medication the droid had given her.

"We should let you sleep," Poe said, "I'm glad that you're in one piece."

Chewie barked at the medical droid, who regarded him silently as he and Poe left.

Smiling to herself, Rey fell into a strange dream.

She was lying on the ground surrounded by exotic trees and plants with huge leaves and giant white budded flowers. Standing, she checked her shoulder but found it fully healed.

Looking around, she was on a huge mountain range surrounded by giant chunks of rock hanging in the air.

Some kind of gentle light was coming from above which faded as darkness fell. Where the light had receded the plants turned to a deep red and then disintegrated into nothingness, leaving behind luminescent trunks glowing in the twilight.

Rey took a step forward, overwhelmed by a feeling of contentment and peace.

She walked through the trees as they began to fragment into fractured shards of light that floated up into the dark night's sky.

The dagger that she had seen in her vision was hovering in front of her, the blade pointed down at the ground.

Reaching her hand towards it, she heard the same voice as before, "Find Mortis..."

Her eyes shot open and she woke up back in the medbay.

The droid approached her but she waved it away, climbing down from the bed and staring out of the viewport thinking one thought over and over again: What are you looking for Kylo?

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