Chapter 63

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Far above the arena the clouds were growing and swirling uneasily in dark grey plumes.

Kylo Ren glared at Rey, before dropping below and striding confidently forwards as lightning began to strike around them. It was hellishly bright and let out loud angry crashes as it hit the floor of the arena and the surrounding structures.

His blade arced to his right before cutting towards her. The aggression filled blows pushed her back, wide step after wide step. He made a short upwards slice but Rey met it, driving both sabers down. His was imbedded into the ground where it sparked and crackled against the molten rock. Their eyes locked over the joined weapons, the warm yellow light from Rey's dwarfed by the intense red of his.

She broke hers away, making a wide somersault and landing roughly on the other side of the arena just missing a large lightning bolt.

He ran, raising his hand and force pushing her back. Rey rose and collided with the wall. Before she could react, he clenched his hand into a clawed fist and she felt her throat closing as she dangled in the air. She lifted her palm, propelling him away. The compression around her windpipe slackened and she dropped to her feet.

Rey focused all of her energy on moving him as far from her as possible. He flattened both his hands and halted.

The dust stirred around them, making the lightning look tangible as it branched downwards.

He leant forwards at an unnatural angle and cupped his hands behind him, channelling an intense pressure wave towards the other side of the arena. It collided with the ancient wall, which exploded into huge, sharp spikes of rock.

At the very centre of the arena a small section of the ground started to shimmer and waver.

Kylo Ren's eyes snapped towards it, feeling the pull of the force as a long triangular dagger appeared on the floor.

Rey followed his gaze and reacted first, drawing the blade to her.

Seeing this he launched his lit saber at her head. Rey's hold on the dagger slipped as she rolled forwards and ignited her saber. The crossguard stopped mid-air just above her crouched body before he let it drop. He reached for the dagger which rose from the ground.

Grunting as she spun to the side, the red saber fell just missing her and deactivated. She jumped to her feet and stretched her fingers out.

They both stood rigidly in place, all of their focus on the dagger as it juddered, suspended between them.

Rey's feet slid along the ground as she and Kylo were drawn towards it. They were almost within striking distance of each other, the dagger just beyond their fingertips. He twitched his hand and the hilt of his saber shot towards him.

A large shock of lightning struck to his left as she sliced her blade down at the dagger.

"No!" he screamed, as he lit his but it was too late.

The yellow lightsaber cut straight across the widest part of the dagger which broke into dozens of sharp shards. They hung in the thick air for a moment before shattering outwards.

Lightning bathed them in shifting white light as she felt herself being thrown backwards and Kylo caught himself awkwardly and tried to stand.

Her lightsaber glided out of her hand, her arms extended above her head and parallel to the ground.

He let go of his saber and blocked all of the fragments approaching him and launched them towards Rey.

As the dagger pieces flew in her direction she managed to shift them around her body, except one last piece that cut her palm. She winced as a hot wave of energy passed up her forearm.

For a moment the lightning ceased and Kylo stared at her in disbelief as she rose up and a cool green light encircled her body. After a moment, a huge shockwave emanated out from her in a widening sphere.

He was launched off his feet and into the sharp spikes sticking out of the wall.

His breathing was irregular as he looked down and saw the rock jutting through the front of his chest. Sliding himself forwards he collapsed to the ground, feeling the blood pouring from his wounds. 

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