Chapter 66

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The larger ships across the Resistance fleet were being picked off one at a time. Hux didn't even bother to hurry, leisurely taking time to admire one destruction before moving onto the next.

Every Resistance vessel was bobbing and diving around enemy fire, as an endless parade of TIE fighters flew at them. For every TIE blown apart, five more replaced it; but the number of Resistance ships did nothing but dwindle.

The last Hammerhead Corvette was overwhelmed by TIEs, the commander using her last moments to speed upwards ensuring that the Destroyer pierced right into the bottom of the one above. The resulting explosion devastated two more First Order ships.

A particularly persistent bomber looped down towards the Falcon.

"He's right behind us," Jannah said.

"Chewie we need to get some distance," Lando said.

The wookiee roared and swung the Falcon to the side.

A lucky hit took out their drive unit and they unexpectedly halted.

The bomber followed a curved route as it doubled back, shooting out their top gun turret and causing the controls in Jannah's grip to go slack.

"They've taken out the dorsal turret," she said.

"We're a sitting target right now," Lando shouted as he and Chewie tried desperately to reactivate the engines, "R2 get in there and fix it!"

A rude series of beeps was R2-D2's only response as he went across and connected with the Falcon's computer systems.

"I'm doing everything I can but I'm struggling here!" Finn replied as laser shots bombarded their hull.

"Our deflector shield is getting worryingly close to zero," Lando said.

Finn targeted and shot at the bomber as it drew closer and closer, but it kept just above his range.

An X-Wing came up behind it, launching a brutal series of cannon fire and destroying it.

"I've got you covered," Wedge Antilles voice spoke over the comlink.

"Is that you Wedge?" Lando said.

"I was going to say nice flying, Lando, but you seem to be stationary."

"Suddenly everyone's a comedian."

Below R2-D2 was assessing the damage and swiftly reconnecting wires into junctures to bypass the compromised sections of the drive unit.

Jannah dropped down from the gun turret passage and jogged across to him, "What can I do?"

On the cruiser, the lights flashed from white to red as the warning lights flashed and siren continued to sound.

The ship shook as a far bulkhead ruptured.

Maz and Kyra were thrown against the wall as they entered the detention block.

The Mirialan boy was stood uncertainly at the centre of his cell, "What are you doing here?"

Approaching the control panel, Maz opened the door and gestured for him to come out, "Saving your skin it would appear."

"What's happening?" he asked as she quickly led them down the corridor.

"The cruiser has been hit by the dreadnoughts autocannons. Everyone is evacuating."

"I've been alone for hours. Whoever was meant to be watching me had more important things to do."

"We are at war young man," Maz said levelly.

"And why are you both here?"

"She was concerned about you," Maz said gesturing to Kyra.

He looked shocked, "Is that true?"

"You shouldn't be left here," Kyra said, "No matter what you've done."

"But you risked your lives."

"We're aware of that," Maz muttered.

"Was this Finn's idea?"

" was mine," Kyra said, "Finn's out there somewhere defending the fleet."

The boy shook his head as they turned down a side corridor and approached the last escape pod.

Another eruption made the floor judder beneath their feet.

"The cruiser is breaking apart," Maz said, as they ran towards the open pod door.

They dove inside and closed it behind them.

Maz pressed the button to initiate the release but nothing happened. She pressed it again but the screen flashed.

"What's wrong?" Kyra asked.

"The release mechanism is jammed," she said reopening the door, "It will need to be operated manually from the main control panel."

She smiled, resting her hand on Kyra's shoulder and stood.

"What are you doing?" the boy asked.

"You are both young and I have lived a long time," Maz said, "I will initiate it so that you can both escape."

He hesitated before getting up and blocking the way, "...No, let me."

"Why?" Kyra asked.

"Because at best all that's waiting for me is a trial and execution or a trial and years on a prison planet. This is a better way to go. If nothing else it'll be quick."

"...Are you sure?" Maz asked.

Nodding, he stepped outside the escape pod and secured the door again.

Kyra stared at him through the viewport, "...Thank you."

He pushed the button and the escape pod started to release, "My name's Ashar."

"Thank you Ashar," she said.

The pod ejected from the cruiser. Kyra stood frozen staring at him as they flew away into the battle that continued around them.

A moment later the entire floor exploded as the cruiser broke into gigantic fragments and the lights blinked out.

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