Chapter 13

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In the depths of the First Orders newest Siege Dreadnought, the generals were sat around a giant table in a dark room.

Kylo Ren stood with his back to them, staring through the window that overlooked the huge inner chasm at the heart of the dreadnought. It was filled with TIE fighters, AT-M6 Walkers and every conceivable tool of war and domination.

"This is the fifth training base that has been compromised in the last year," General Pryde said, his voice icy with disgust, "Somehow these rebels are getting detailed information about the First Order."

"We've all read the reports," General Hux said.

"They had First Order vessels; our security codes, weapons, uniforms; they even had a Sentry droid to let them into our systems. Somewhere very high a spy."

"I am aware of the problem, Pryde," Hux replied tiredly, "it is in hand."

"In hand? We lost an entire base, hundreds of troopers and over two hundred assets! Your confidence in your control of this situation is laughable."

Hux stood slowly, placing his hands on the table and leaning forwards, "Are you doubting my abilities?"

"I am having difficulty reconciling your certainty with the evidence in front of us: they have autocannons."

"This disagreement is irrelevant," Kylo Ren said.

"With respect Supreme Leader," Pryde said, "our enemy has somehow managed to create our own weapons. The balance of this war is getting more even by the day. World after world is falling under their influence. If this continues it may tip against us."

Kylo Ren turned, "When project Mortis is completed, none of this will matter."

The room fell silent.

"May we...respectfully ask you for more details regarding this project," Pryde asked, "We know nothing beyond its name and seeming importance."

"You do not need to know."

"Surely us knowing-"

He was cut off as Kylo raised his hand in a choke hold. Pryde's neck stretched upwards and he gasped loudly.

"You do not need to know," Kylo said viciously.

Pryde's eyes were beginning to go red as his face tinged purple.

Kylo released him and he collapsed on the table, sitting back and gulping down air. Again, Kylo turned his back to the others and glared out of the window.

"I can assure you," Hux said firmly, "that I am aware of the...nature of the problem and I have a plan to eliminate it."

"Might we know this plan?" Pryde said his voice heavy and unclear.

"The fewer people that know, the fewer chances there are that my intent is revealed to our enemies."

"So even the generals of the First Order are not privy to its own plans?" Pryde said.

"Once we've eradicated the rebel scum it won't matter how we achieved it," he smiled coldly, "Well I believe that is everything that we needed to discuss."

Sensing their dismissal the other generals left the room leaving Hux alone with Kylo.

"Is there anything that you need?" Hux asked him.


Hux nodded, "Good, please inform me of anything that I can do to assist you."

"I do not require assistance."

"Of course Supreme Leader," Hux said exiting through the door.

Kylo continued to study the contents of the dreadnought, his mind buzzing with plans.

The room was totally silent except for his gentle breathing. He felt a shift in the force and spun around, scanning the room but found nothing. Taking a step forward he looked behind him.

"...Ben..." a voice whispered, the voice of his uncle.

"No," Kylo said.


His breathing felt tight.

"...What are you doing Ben?"

There was a jumble of words in his head. He closed his eyes trying to push them away, the anger building inside of him. It rapidly reached its pinnacle and he felt the energy escaping his body. An invisible shockwave passed out of him, knocking the furniture against the walls and cracking the glass behind him.

The voices stopped. Kylo's breathing hitched in his chest as he tried to calm himself, clenching his hands into tight fists as he tried to convince himself that he wasn't unnerved. 

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