Chapter 36

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Poe and Finn excitedly informed Rey and Maz of the developments.

"You're coming right?" Poe asked, "We need all the pilots we can get."

Rey hesitated, "...I think...there's something else I need to do."

"What could be more important than stopping the First Order?"

"We've been going through the translations," she explained, "looking for Mortis."

"Mortis? Whatever artifact trail Kylo Ren is on isn't going to be more important than actually taking them down."

" might be."

"How?" Finn asked as they sat.

"Mortis isn't just another talisman or...relic of the past: it's a place. If what we've found out is true it could be very dangerous letting him get there first."

Poe leant forward, "You're not making any sense Rey."

"You have to imagine the force," Maz interjected, "how it surrounds and binds all living things."

"I'm imagining," he said.

"Mortis could be the place it originated from."

"So a force user would be more powerful there?"

Maz nodded and held up the torn book to reveal the beautiful picture of the three figures, the painted gold catching the light, "There's a painting in the Lothal Jedi Temple of the Mortis anchorites: a father, son and daughter. We believe that they were force wielders."

Poe studied the picture, "How are force wielders any different from Jedi and Sith?"

"Some considered them gods," Maz said, lowering the book.

This got Poe's attention, "What do you think Kylo Ren is planning? To somehow steal their power?"

"We don't know," Rey said, "But if he can...if he does...there might be no limit to what he could do."

"This is..." Poe paused, "...hard to wrap my head around, Rey. You're asking us to make a big leap from a picture in a book to godlike powers."

"I've had dreams and visions, Poe."

"But we need evidence and facts. I have readouts telling me that we might actually be able to take down their entire fleet using this disrupter. I don't know what to do with force visions and dreams."

"We need to find Mortis."

"No we need to destroy the First Order."

There was a tense silence as they stared at each other.

"We don't have to resolve any of this right now," Finn said, holding his hands up, "Why don't we just cool off?"

"I couldn't agree more," Poe said getting up and quickly leaving.

"He'll calm down," Finn said, "You're just asking a lot."

"You've seen what the force can do."

"I've certainly seen a lot of things that I don't fully understand," Finn said, standing, "I should go check on him."

"Ok," she exhaled slowly as he left.

Maz placed her hand on Rey's cheek, "Give them time."

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