Chapter 16

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Rey was frantic by the time she reached the engine room to find a large group of people outside of it, staring dead-eyed through the window in the blast doors.

Finn locked his disbelieving gaze with hers.

She walked towards where he was holding Rose, "Leia?"

He shook his head, his mouth feeling dry.

"No," Rey said taking a step back.

Poe hugged her quickly before moving towards the Mirialan boy. He pulled him to his feet.

"Do you know what you've done?" Poe screamed his hands fisted in the boy's shirt.

He smiled cruelly, "Taken out your entire engine system."

Poe raised his fist but lowered it and shook his head, "Get him out of my sight and into a cell. We'll deal with him later."

The boy gave him a smug smile and was led away.

Rey stumbled back against the wall and slid to the floor.

"Ok," Poe said, covering his eyes with a hand, "What's our situation?"

Rose dashed away her tears and went across to the wall panel. She began tapping on it to assess the damage as the others tensely watched her, "Only one of the ion engines has been destroyed, four are damaged...six are fully functional. of the hyperdrive engines is offline."

"Can we go to light speed?"

"No, we need at least eight ion and both hyperdrive engines working to do that."

"And our other systems?" Commander D'Arcy asked.

Rose frowned, "The main reactor is still functioning; so is life support; the fuel cells haven't been ruptured;'s somehow knocked out the deflector shield."

"So we're a sitting target," Poe said, "Ok, get every pilot in the landing bay, I want all fighters ready. If someone finds us like this we're an unshielded ship that can't get away. What about our weapons systems?"

"That mostly seems to be working."

"Well that's something."

"What about communications?" Finn asked.

"Limited to none."

Poe shook his head from side to side.

Commander D'Arcy sighed heavily, "How long before you can get back into the engine room?"

"I don't know; I need to run a full diagnostic," Rose said, "We can't risk the sudden rush of air restarting the fire. It could take out the whole cruiser."

"Someone get to the bridge and tell them what's happened," Poe said, "Everyone else I want this entire cruiser locked down. Every child confined to the living quarters with a person on every corridor. Anyone free should report here to get instructions on how we can get this ship working properly again. I am understood?"

They nodded.

"Good," he said, "We don't have the time now but...we'll mourn later. Rose, can I have a word?"

She nodded, moving forwards as many of the others stepped away.

"That disrupter," Poe said, "can you make it?"

Rose's eyes widened, "As well as fixing all of the damaged engines?"

"I know I'm asking a lot but if the First Order finds us, I need a way of ensuring that they can't track us through hyperspace. Can you do it?"

"I can try but I'll need parts and a very big power source."

"Would a hyperdrive do?"

"...Theoretically but we'd need something to channel it."

"Get me a list of everything and we'll find it."

Finn kissed Rose on her cheek before she sprinted away and started directing the engineering team. He stood beside Poe as he held his hand out to Rey and he pulled her to her feet. She wiped away the tears standing in her eyes.

"We're gonna need your help," Poe said.

She nodded, "I can help...I want to help."


A heavy step approached them and they all turned to see Chewie jogging towards them.

He grumbled noisily.

The other three looked at each other unsure how to broach the news.

Chewie sensed their unease and let out a series of rumbles causing Rey to start crying again.

"Chewie," she said, "she's gone...Leia she's..."

For a moment he didn't seem to understand and merely stared at her. Then he looked from side to side, his legs giving way. He let out a long, deep howl.

Poe tried to reassure him but Chewie pushed him away, patting his hands on the ground before covering his face.

Rey knelt on the ground just out of his reach, her small form dwarfed by his larger one. She slid closer and wrapped her arms around him. At first he resisted but then gave into her embrace, resting his head against her as they both openly wept.

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