The portrait part 2

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"What?", Arthur asked lamely. It took a moment for him to register what the other Arthur had actually said.
"No – he's not.", he finally decided and shook his head.

Merlin glanced between the two men, clearly confused as to what was going on. "As a matter of fact. I am pretty positive that I am.", he said.
The other Arthur gave a sigh and an apologetic smile to Merlin.

Arthur himself was still trying to process. "You're serious! You can't be serious. You said Balinor's son was the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk the earth. You can't mean – Merlin."
This was so preposterous, Arthur wondered if maybe he wasn't really here at all. Maybe someone had hit him with a baseball bat and this was a fever dream.

The other Arthur grinned, slightly amused. "Not yet. But with a little more training, he will be. And yes, Merlin.
Which is why I must ask you. Why is Merlin your servant? You said all sorcerers were killed? You're not meaning to say you don't know he has magic? Surely he was punished for using magic once? He's not exactly subtle.", the other Arthur laughed at the idea.

But the look Arthur gave him let the laugh disappear.
Merlin was still looking between them, as though he was used to people discussing his death.

"Merlin is not a sorcerer. He wouldn't – he would never lie to me.", Arthur said. The idea, the nerve of this guy.

"Arthur, he is a sorcerer.", the other Arthur seemed worried now.

"You don't understand. Merlin is my friend. And a horrible liar. I would know!", Arthur rejected the idea. "You can't be telling me that after all these years – I should have killed him the day we met!"

Now, Merlin spoke up. "That doesn't really sound fair. If I really am your friend in your world and haven't tried to kill you, like you assume all sorcerers do – then trying to kill me would betray that friendship. Don't you think?
Maybe my other self didn't want YOU to betray him?"

Arthur stared at Merlin as if he'd grown a second head. He might as well have. First he was a sorcerer, then a prince and then he just accepted that vague explanation were Arthur came from without even questioning it. And he didn't even care that Arthur should want to kill him right now. Arthur cared a lot about the fact that he DIDN'T want Merlin dead right now.
But the boy had a point.

"So, is that what you're going to do, when you get home again? Kill your Merlin?", the other Arthur suddenly grabbed for his sword again, holding it towards Arthur in a warning.
"Arthur. Please. It's fine. It's not like he actually could -"
"He will try to hurt you."
"The other me isn't really me, you know that. Please, Arthur."

Arthur had stumbled backwards, only listening to the two men in front of him. The other Arthur didn't seem the type to back away easily. But at Merlin's touch, he lowered his weapon. His eyes searching something within the young prince, who looked back as though they were holding a silent conversation.

"What do you mean, I couldn't – ? What couldn't I?", Arthur cleared his throat. A little uncomfortable. He weirdly felt as though he was intruding on something.
Was this how the other servants felt when they witnessed Arthur and Merlin bicker all the time? It was weird.

"Oh. I'm immortal. You couldn't kill me.", Merlin waved him off. Arthur's mouth dropped.
"Actually, he could. His sword is forged in a dragon's breath. Don't worry, I took it from him.", the other Arthur said, causing Merlin to finally turn his attention back to the Arthur that didn't belong into this universe.

"Really? If you're fighting magic, how did you get such a weapon? Aren't you a hypocrite, if you use magical items, when they are forbidden?"

Arthur frowned. "This is a legendary sword I found stuck inside a stone. My Merlin informed me that only the true king of Camelot could pull it out."
Wow, it did feel weird, and yet, strangely right to say "my Merlin".

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