rumor no. 3

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hanako hummed to himself as he watched yashiro clean the bathrooms. a light knock had come from outside the bathrooms, making yashiro flinch in suprise.

"hanako-san, hanako-san, are you there~?" a young girl's voice had asked in a teasing tone. the daikon girl watched as hanako's amber eyes lit up in excitement.

"i'm here~" he replied in a playful tone. the girl had revealed herself. yashiro's eyes widened at the new figure before her. "whoa!" she yelped, stumbling onto her bottom.

the girl giggled at yashiro. 'wait... boys' school uniform, eyepatch, and tsueshiros?' the daikon girl thought. "y-you're rika the wandering hallway twin!" she said, pointing at fhe ghost girl.

"that's right!" rika said, poking her cheek cutely as hanako hugged her side. "rika-kun what are you doing here~?" the ghost boy asked, knowing fully well why rika was there in the first place.

this question caused the ghost girl to deadpan. "i'm leaving, bye hanako~" she started floating away but hanako quickly caught her and rubbed his cheek against her's.

"wait! i'm sorry! i was joking!" he said. rika rolled her good eye and stuck her tongue out. yashiro started as rika let the toilet ghost cling onto her. "u-uhm rika-san?" she asked, catching the attention of both apparitions.

"hm? oh! you must be yashiro! hana's assistant! nice to meet you!" rika said, smiling softly. "don't scare her rika-kun~ she's still new to the world of apparitions." hanako said with a playful pout.

"what was her wish?" the pigtailed girl asked, tilting her head. "to be human again." the ghost boy said with a little laugh, causing rika to look at him confused.

"she injested one of the mermaid scales and so i split the curse between the two of us." hanako explained as rika made a noise of realization. "aww you should've called me!" she said.

"i would've loved to get some scales too!" she said with a pout. hanako smirked. "oh~? and just who do plan to bind yourself with~?" he asked, making the ghost girl blush. "no one..." she muttered.

'does rika-san have a crush on hanako-kun?' yashiro thought. 'that's cute...' the radish girl thought with a soft smile on her face. "ah! i forgot i have a romantic rendezvous today!" yashiro said, a look of panic on her face.

"i have to file papers with one of my classmates but he'll have to leave early! what a shy boy!" yashiro gushed. rika raised her eyebrow. "yashiro-san... i think he's using you.." she said.

"are you rendezvousing with papers yashiro?" hanako asked. "c'mon, why don't you stay with me? i'm sure i can treat you better~" he said, hugging yashiro from behind, only for her to hold the mop.

rika sighed and rolled her eye. "i'd rather file papers." yashiro said in a plain tone, making hanako whine and cling onto rika like a cat. "rika-kun~! yashiro's being mean!" he whined.

"you'll stay here with me right?" he asked, his big amber eyes shining mischeviously. "i... sure." rika said. yashiro's red eyes sparkled. 'it's like a romance scene out of a manga!' she thought.

'hm. if i can't fet anyone to fall for me, i'll just help rika-san get together with hanako-kun!' she thought, her eyes sparkling in determination. "you can go home for the day yashiro." hanako said.

"i have rika-kun with me, hehe~" the ghost boy said, wrapping his arms around rika's waist. "mm. okay. then, i'll see you tomorrow hanako-kun, rika-san!" the daikon said and put the cleaning supplies away.

yashiro left, leaving only hanako and rika in the bathrooms. "nono-chan, what's wrong? you look stressed." hanako said. "amane... i think someone's changed our rumor..." rika said.

she clutched her skirt in her gloved hands, creating wrinkles. hanako took rika's hands into his. "what was the rumor?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"if someone finds me and angers me, i'll have to cut them up with my katana. and if they make ren cry, he'll cut them up after an hour of good luck." rika explained, her eyes becoming downcast.

"i don't want to kill anyone amane..." she said, closing her eye as her eyebrows furrowed together. "and you won't have to ran. i'll make sure of it." hanako says, putting his hands on rika's cheeks.

he makes her look up at him. "i won't let anyone hurt you or riku ever again." he promises, making rika smile softly. "alright, enough of that. let's play koi-koi!" hanako says, holding a deck of hanafuda cards.

"be prepared to lose, hanako-san of the toilets!" rika declared as hanako shuffled the cards. "oh, just watch me, rika of the hallways!" he said with a playful smirk.

 "oh, just watch me, rika of the hallways!" he said with a playful smirk

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published: 040320
edited: 040920

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