rumor no. 39

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⚠️ tw: blood, murder, & character death ⚠️
you can skip if you don't feel comfortable


rika took a deep breath. she placed her hands at her sides and closed her eye as she exhaled softly. she calmed her palpitating ghostly heart as she was prepared to die for a second time.

"yashiro nene, i humbly apologize for accidentally cursing you with an unnecessary amount of bad luck. in order to undo this bad luck, you must kill me. i am prepared to die at your hands." she said formally.

yashiro's hands shook in tsukasa's as tears filled her red eyes. "r-rika-chan..." she stuttered before tsukasa moved her hand to plunge the knife into rika's chest, causing the daikon girl to close her eyes. hanako and riku cried at the sight of the murder.

kou stared in horror as he watched rika fall to the floor with a thump. he couldn't believe all of this was happening. he couldn't move, or do anything. his feet were frozen to the ground. hanako had decided to go next, to join rika.

he placed his hand onto the ghost girl's transparent bloodstained cheek. "i'll be joining you soon, nono-chan." hanako whispered, holding rika's already cold hand into his own.

"and once i find you, we'll finally go to the space station and marry, just like you've always wanted." he whispered, bringing rika's transparent hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

tsukasa giggled and yanked yashiro's hand forward to plunge the knife into his older twin brother's back. yashiro couldn't bear to open her eyes as she felt blood splatter over her face and clothes.

"yashiro-chan... let me give you one more gift." riku said, and gently caressed yashiro's cheek before pressing a kiss to her lips. "a good luck charm, so that we meet again someday." he whispered before tsukasa pulled yashiro's hand again to dive the knife into riku's chest.

she shuddered and cried as she heard riku's body fall with a thump, just like rika's and hanako's had. tsukasa released her hand and the knife fell with a clatter. mitsuba was next to be killed by kou.

yashiro felt sick and cried as she remembered the smiling faces of her friends she was forced to kill. "don't worry, yashiro-san~ you won't remember killing them or even them in general.." tsukasa said.

"you'll live your life happily like you wanted to~" he said, his childish voice fading in and out. yashiro had then blacked out, falling against the floor just as kou did.

the both of them woke up, confused as to why in the world they were suddenly in the girl's bathroom

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the both of them woke up, confused as to why in the world they were suddenly in the girl's bathroom. "kou-kun?! what are you doing in the girls' restroom?!" yashiro asked, pointing at the blonde boy.

"i-i don't know!? s-sorry, senpai!" he exclaimed and quickly ran out into the hallway. "that boy... such a cute kouhai." she muttered as she stood up with a smile.

she dusted her uniform skirt off from the dust on the floor and walked out to walk with the young minamoto boy.

everything was... peaceful.


happy birthday to komaeda nagito :)

published: 042820
edited: 000000

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