rumor no. 25

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⚠️ some manga spoilers from here on out ⚠️


"huh? she went into the auditorium." yashiro said, her red eyes following aoi's figure. "that's odd..." riku muttered as hanako, rika, and kou nodded in agreement.

the five of them went inside the auditorium and saw aoi on the stage. everyone was a little confused as to what was happening. "this is really odd... yashiro, isn't aoi-san in the gardening club?" rika asked.

"y-yeah.... i wonder what she's doing here..." yashiro said, scratching her head. "it's probably a love confession." akane said darkly, as he clutched the auditorium's seats.

"i promised to protect ao-chan even if she wouldn't look my way..." akane said softly, his eyes growing soft as he stared at aoi. rika's heart warmed at the reddish-brown haired boy's words.

"yashiro, maybe... maybe you can change mine and riku's rumor so we could grant wishes like hana? i don't think you changed our rumors yet." rika said, holding onto yashiro's hands.

"that boy... i do want to at least help him." rika said. "ehh? rika-kun that's my job!" hanako said, holding rika. "yeah but..." rika starts but huffs as her cheeks turn pink.

"i wanna help people too instead of giving bad luck." she mumbles. hanako's amber eyes soften as a gentle smile came to his face. "i'll see what i can do, little star." he whispers, kissing her sealed cheek.

"hey rika-chan... we've been here for a long time and aoi-chan hasn't done anything." yashiro said. "are you sure the school mystery isn't someone else?" she asked.

riku waved his hand in front of akane's face, trying to see if he could see him but pouted once he found out he couldn't. "well, i guess we can't get a supernatural to reveal itself like this." hanako said.

he let go of rika and balanced on top of the auditorium seats with his cape on. "it's time we approached it." he said deviously. "hana, what are you gonna do?" rika asked.

hanako chuckled and grabbed rika's hand, bringing her closer to him. "so yashiro," hanako called out to his assistant, making her look up at the toilet ghost. "let's say you had a power you were hiding." he starts.

"when do you think you'd use it?" hanako asked. "i'd probably use it in a pressing need." yashiro said. "so for example, something like this." hanako said, and commanded hakujoudai.

rika's eye widened and she started to launch off of the chair she was standing on to protect aoi as the chandelier and glass was falling everywhere around the human girl, but hanko held her back.

"hanako!" she yelled, her once wide yellow eye had closed in fear. yashiro and akane screamed the violet haired girl's name as kou was beginning to run over the chairs, staff in hand.

"hanako! stop it!" rika cried and hanako gently took one of her hands into his. "everything's okay." he said softly, drying her tears with his other hand. "we lured him out of hiding." hanako said.

"found you~ clock keeper number one~" he sang as akane turned around and took of his mask with a deadpanned look.

"found you~ clock keeper number one~" he sang as akane turned around and took of his mask with a deadpanned look

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yashiro looked up and saw the chandelier frozen midair. "the chandelier...." she muttered, then looked over at kou to see him frozen as well. hanako smirked and held rika close to him.

"hnn.. then i guess its safe to say that your power is time stopping." hanako said, gently holding rika's cheek. akane simply glared at the two of them. "i've heard of you three." he said, referencing riku as well.

"old school uniform. the seal on your cheek. two tsueshiros. you must be that 'honorable number seven'." akane said, his reddish-brown eyes narrowing.

"then that means the one your holding is 'respectable lady number zero and her brother lord number zero'." he said. "that's right!" hanako said cheerily.

"you know akane... i see you every day in yashiro's class but you look kind of good like this." rika said, a little impressed at the taller boy in front of her. hanako pouted. "what about me, rika-kun?" he whined.

riku hit the toilet ghost upside the head, making it fall onto rika's shoulder. "so? what business do the seven mysteries have with ao-chan?" akane asked, taking off his cloak to put on aoi.

"i was interested in figuring out the answer, but when you put her in danger, i lose my cool." he said, and began walking towards the three ghosts. "so with that said...." he starts.

akane suddenly grabs the collar of hanako's gakuran. "mind if i take a swing at you before we talk?" he asks, his tone becoming dark. he slams hanako to the ground and rika charges at them.

as akane was going to hit hanako, rika quickly blocked him from getting hit but as she was running, yashiro ran in front of them yelling "stop", causing akane to stop in his tracks.

"yashiro-san? what are you doing?" akane asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "i could ask you the same thing! but calm down first!" she said, standing in front of rika and hanako (who was being straddled by the ghost girl).

"mhehe~ i like this position~" hanako purred into rika's ear since her head turned to look at yashiro and akane. the chandelier fell and hanako instinctively held onto rika as it crashed.

akane clicked his tongue as he took out a pocket watch. "darn. ran outta time." he said. soon, kou fell over the seats he was about to hop over and looked around to see if anyone had seen him.

people had heard the chandelier falling and akane had suggested that they moved elsewhere to continue their conversation.


y'all.. tell my why supernatural!akane looks so good for?!?!? bruh he got nO BUSINESS lookin that hot with his mf ponytail!!!!

published: 041420
edited: 000000

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