rumor no. 17

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⚠️ tw: blood & violent/yandere themes later ⚠️
you can skip if you don't feel comfortable


"hehe... are you surprised?" the boy asked, walking towards the three. "i have a really good assistant. she helped me come here." the boy said, a wide smile on his face, showing little fangs.

"so, amane." the boy said, his tone dark. "are you happy to see me~?" he asked, putting his hand on hanako's cheek and rubbing his bottom lip with his thumb.

rika shakily pulled hanako closer to her and away from the other boy's touch. this made the new ghost boy smirk as he watched rika trembling in fear, tears beginning to spill from her yellow eye.

"ahh ran-nee... you've gotten so much prettier from the last time i saw you in that hallway~" the boy said, using the same outstretched hand to put it on rika's cheek. "d-d-d-don't..." rika whispered.

his face neared rika's as her tears began to spill. "hmm? are you still scared of me ran-nee? maybe i'll just get rid of your other eye too~" the boy said lowly and kissed rika's cheek, tasting her salty tears.

suddenly, the two ghosts were shoved away by yashiro and riku. the girl threw hot tea on the dark ghost boy and riku had slashed at him with his scissors.

"oh? crybaby ren is actually pretty good.." the ghost boy said with a dark but impressed look. "yashiro, get behind me." riku hissed to the daikon girl who had listened immediately.

the dark ghost suddenly flew towards yashiro, and grabbed her wrist with a grin. they stared at each other for a few seconds before the ghost boy had let go of yashiro and disappeared.

"see you later~" was the last thing they heard before the black smoke disappeared. yashiro and riku turned to look at rika and hanako. their eyes looked both scared and angry.

rika stayed on the ground staring at her gloved hands while hanako stood up. "hanako-kun... is he..." yashiro started but riku covered her mouth, making her look at him. 'don't.' his yellow eyes said.

hanako had ran away and rika had sat and cried. riku quickly went over to comfort his crying sister, not wanting to say anything so he wouldn't make anything worse.

he silently comforted his sister while yashiro had quietly cleaned up the mess that was made. 'just who was that person?' yashiro thought. 'to scare rika-chan and hanako-kun like that so badly...'

'that's someone i shouldn't mess with...' she thought, looking over at the hallway twins.

"i-i'm scared r-ren

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"i-i'm scared r-ren." rika said shakily. "he s-saw me... h-he saw me after h-how many d-decades... h-he's gonna find me a-a-and kill me again!" she panicked, looking up at her younger-by-five-minutes brother.

"he won't. i promise he won't." riku said, his yellow eyes becoming stern. "hanako and i will do all we can to make sure that never happens again." the hallway ghost said.

"i'm scared!" rika whailed, her gloved hands reaching up to tangle in her black hair. riku sighed lightly and turned to yashiro. "yashiro, you can go home. i'm gonna take rika-nee to her boundary."

"i'll probably take hanako too." riku said, hugging his crying sister and letting her bury her face into his chest. "be careful." he told yashiro who nodded and left the rooftop.

riku had carried his sister to her hallway boundary and sat her down on her piano bench. he had quickly left to go find hanako, leaving rika to her thoughts.

 he had quickly left to go find hanako, leaving rika to her thoughts

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"your eyes are so pretty ran-nee." the boy gushed, his smile showing off his little fangs. "oh, thank you ***." ran said, giving a sweet smile to the younger boy in front of her.

they were standing by the girl's bathroom at the end of the hallway. the boy had told ran to meet him there after school to talk, and she did. she had told ren and amane she'd be out soon.

suddenly, ran felt a knife slash her right eye. she screamed in pain and she wasn't able to open it anymore as blood was pouring in it. "wow! i didn't think your eye would bleed so much!" the boy said.

he grinned and brought his hand up to ran's right cheek, his fingers soaking in her blood as the girl heaved and cried. he chuckled. "i didn't cut it that deep, but you still won't be able to see~" he said.

the boy licked his blood soaked fingers, his amber eyes narrowed in a different type of emotion. "ran-nee...your blood its so sweet..." the boy whispered, and held ran's unbloodied cheek.

he pressed his lips against ran's, causing her to cry and hyperventilate and want to move. but the boy held her in place, his iron grip not letting her go anywhere.

the lingering taste of her blood danced on ran's tongue as the boy kissed her deeper until he couldn't breathe anymore. "i love you so much ran-nee. its not fair that amane has you to himself." the boy said.

he hugged her tightly. "don't worry~ you'll be mine soon ran-nee~" he said, a smirk playing on his lips. the boy brought her to tsuchigomori who asked what had happened in a horrified tone.

"something sharp flew into her eye while we were walking and she started bleeding!" the boy lied while ran kept silent. tears had mixed with blood as she felt the grip on her wrist become tighter, almost bruising.

tsuchigomori cleaned the girl's blood off of her face and gently put a gauze pad over it before securing it with a medical eye patch. "*** walk with her okay? make sure she gets home safely." tsuchigomori said.

the boy smiled and nodded before tugging ran along to search for ren and amane. "just know ran-nee," he started, the grip on ran's hand becoming tighter.

"you're all mine."


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hhh i got shivers while writing the last part of the chapter;;

published: 040820
edited: 000000

𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 - 𝘵𝘣𝘩𝘬Where stories live. Discover now