rumor no. 9

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riku, kou, and yashiro were leaning on the rooftop ledge while rika and hanako were sitting on the blanket the younger twin ghost spread out. "i'm gonna cut him." riku said, whipping out his scissors.

"ahh! its okay riku-kun!" yashiro said, urging the ghost boy to put his weapon away. "i think they're alright." she said. "yeah. they've been really mushy lately." kou pointed out.

riku sighed and hid his weapon in his gakuran. "so, riku-kun!" yashiro started, catching the ghost boy's attention. the daikon girl had given subtle hints of what she wanted to know about the three ghosts.

"you don't want to do stuff like this with someone else? how about that minamoto-senpai you told hanako about?" riku asked, causing yashiro to become embarrassed.

"minamoto-senpai?" kou asked, tilting his head. riku patted the blonde's hair like a puppy as yashiro had gone on a tangent about how she admired her senpai for his strengths.

"ah.. thank you." teru said with a gentle smile. rika and hanako stood next to riku and kou. yashiro turned around at the voice and became embarrassed. kou had ran up to his brother.

"nii-chan!" he said and teru had lightly hit his brother with his clipboard. "there you are! i was looking for you!" teru said with a little laugh. he glanced over at the three ghosts, glaring at them.

hanako and riku both stood protectively over rika who took a slight defensive stance. "anyways yashiro-san, thank you for taking care of my brother." teru said, smiling at yashiro.

he then coldly urged the younger minamoto brother to come with him to talk. "i wonder what that was about..." yashiro mumbled.


during her free period, yashiro ventured into the library, looking for books about hanako and the hallway twins. "argh! i can't find anything about them!" yashiro groaned.

she sighed and went to put the books back but had accidentally bumped into a green haired girl, knocking one of the hanako books out of her arms. "oh! sorry!" yashiro apologized.

the girl picked up the book and looked at the cover. "oh... you have one too? what's he like?" the green haired girl asked monotonously. 'you have one too? what is that supposed to mean?!' yashiro thought.

"if you want to know more about them, visit number five of the school mysteries." the green haired girl said, walking out of the library. yashiro chased after them, running onto a teacher in the process.

she looked around the hallways to see no one there. "hm? yashiro, what are you doing in the library?" riku asked, floating up to the daikon girl. "o-o-oh! riku-kun! i forgot you haunt these hallways!" she said.

"i-i'm looking for a book for my report!" yashiro lied. "ohh okay, okay." riku said. he bid the girl a goodbye and disappeared into his boundary. the next day, yashiro went looking for aoi.

"aoi, what is the fifth mystery?" she asked, tilting her head. aoi became excited and began telling yashiro the rumor. "the fifth mystery, the 4pm bookstacks!" she said, lifting a finger up.

『 in the school library, there is a special storeroom you can enter only at 4pm. the room is full of books with people's names. each of these books contains a record of that person's life at this school.

there are three kinds of books in the bookstacks; white, black, and red. white ones have records of people who are alive while black ones have records of people who are dead.

but the red books... those are the ones you should never read. 』

the last school bell rang and yashiro walked to hanako's bathroom where she heard kou's voice. "this is so wrong sir!" he said as yashiro turned the corner.

"is something the matter?" the daikon girl asked, walking up to the student-teacher pair. "senpai! good timing!" kou said. "its this guy! he's my homeroom teacher and he's being mean!" he said.

"oh.. you're the girl who ran into me yesterday." the teacher had said and yashiro quickly apologized. "uhm... sensei, did you need minamoto-kun for something?" she asked.

"oh, i wanted to ask a small favor from him." the teacher said. "i was hoping he could stop going into the girls' bathroom as we're getting complaints from our female students." he said.

kou glares as yashiro has sweatdropped. "i'm doing it to protect the school!" he said. "i-i mean i do think its wrong for a boy to go into the girls' bathroom." yashiro said. "i'm calling your guardian." the teacher said.

"not you too senpai!" kou said. "hanako and rika aren't even here! how am i supposed to keep my promise to my brother?" he said. "they're not here? where are they?" yashiro asked.

"i got here a couple of minutes ago and found this." kou said, holding up a note that said, "i'm off to a meeting!" yashiro tilted her head. "a meeting? with who?" she muttered.

"a meeting?" the two-toned haired teacher asked. "ah! minamoto-kun, what time is it?" he asked. kou had told him the time and the teacher ran off to the meeting he was supposed to attend.

yashiro turned to kou. "kou-kun. do you know anything anout the 4pm bookstacks?" she asked. the two students had gone into the library to look for the rumor.

the two of them talked a little before a butterfly had appeared and landed on a book. it poofed comically and a door had appeared.

"is this.... the 4pm bookstacks?" yashiro muttered.


published: 040520
edited: 000000

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