rumor no. 24

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⚠️ some manga spoilers from here on out ⚠️


"so you three don't know anything about number one?" yashiro asked. rika and riku shook their heads. "no, but! i did hear a rumor of some sorts." hanako said.

"the second of the clock keepers, the one who rules over the present is apparently one of the students at this school." hanako said. "a student?" riku asked. "mm-hm!" hanako hummed.

"but how will we be able to find them?" kou asked. "yeah, there's a lot of students here." yashiro said and hanako simply chuckled. "don't worry~ a little birdie gave me a hint." he said, hugging rika.

"yashiro, you might not believe it, but when i started staying with you during classes, i sensed a presence from your class." rika said, causing yashiro to exclaim.

"so you mean..." she starts. "mm. the keeper is in here." riku said, putting his hands on yashiro's shoulders. "from what happened earlier, aoi-san wasn't affected by the time prank." rika said.

"don't you think that's a little suspicious?" she asked, putting a finger to her chin.

"sorry yashiro, i won't do anything too bad

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"sorry yashiro, i won't do anything too bad." rika said, and suddenly yashiro began growing unconsious before fainting. kou quickly caught her before she fell.

"senpai?!" he exclaimed. "nene-chan?!" aoi exclaimed, catching akane's attention. "what's wrong?" he asked, coming to aoi's side. "are you okay?" kou asked softly as yashiro rubbed her eyes.

"you should go to the nurses' office." aoi said softly. suddenly, the said girl was grabbed by the waist and pulled flush against yashiro's body. "aoi~ you're not hiding anything from me, are you?" she asked, a cute pout on her face.

"r-rika?!" kou exclaimed, "ao-chan?!" akane cried in horror. hanako blushed bright red while riku covered his pink face. "i-i'm see through." yashiro said, causing kou and riku to look up at her.

"what the-! rika-! she possessed your body huh!?" he exclaimed. "ah, she never really acts on impulse but this is new." riku said, raising an eyebrow. "this... is... definitely a new side of rika-kun." hanako said.

"don't worry senpai! i'll take care of this!" kou said, holding yashiro's ghost hands. he turns to posessed!yashiro but stops as she was talking to aoi.

"aoi~ are you hiding something from me? hnn.. that makes me sad..." rika said, her miscolored eyes were narrowed as she made a pout come to yashiro's lips.

"rika-chan!" yashiro cried. "rika-chan i love you but aoi-chan is gonna think i'm weird!" yashiro said. in the end, kou was too embarrassed to even go near rika and aoi.

"hnn.. if you insist on staying quiet..." rika started, and put yashiro's legs on either side of aoi's body. "i'll just have to kiss you instead!" she said with a grin and began leaning in.

hanako had nearly fainted. "i want her to do that with me too..." he said in a loopy tone, causing riku to hit him across the head. "no way in hell." he said.

akane suddenly pushed posessed!yashiro away from aoi and grabbed her collar, dragging her outside. "wait! rika-chan!" everyone yelled after the two, leaving aoi by herself.

 "wait! rika-chan!" everyone yelled after the two, leaving aoi by herself

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yashiro was the last one to come up the stairs to the roof. hanako hugged rika, still in yashiro's body. "hey, hey, can you try that on me next time?" he asked, and rika's miscolored eyes widened.

"i-i didn't know you were watching so closely..." she muttered as she made a blush come to yashiro's face. "its been a while since you've used your other eye huh?" riku asked and rika nodded.

"so what do i do about this?" rika asked, tilting yashiro's head. "this?" everyone asked simultaneously. "this." rika said, pointing to akane muttering to himself.

yashiro soon explains who akane is and how he becomes a little off the roof when aoi is involved. "and?" a new voice starts and rika just barely dodges a baseball bat to the head.

"just what exactly were you doing back there yashiro-san?" akane asked, his figure towering over rika's cowering one against the wall. "o-oh nothing..." rika said.

"her skin is really really soft and i-i wanted to know what products she uses?" she said, more in a question rather than a sentence. akane deadpanned and suddenly hit yashiro, making rika fly out.

hanako quickly caught rika before she fell and yashiro returned to her body. "ouch." rika pouted, holding the cheek that akane hit. "he actually hit her out. that boy isn't half bad." riku said, impressed.

yashiro had explained that she felt that aoi was hiding something from her and she was being bothered by it

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yashiro had explained that she felt that aoi was hiding something from her and she was being bothered by it. akane had hummed a bit before agreeing to help yashiro and kou out.

they spend the day following aoi around, watching as she does something even as simple as walking down the hallway and suddenly getting hit on by every guy she passes but akane would rescue her.

rika chuckled as hanako and riku looked over at the girl hallway twin. "that definitely brings back tons of memories." she said, with a laugh as hanako and riku suddenly turned bright red.

"what do you mean rika-chan?" yashiro asked. "well, back when rika-nee was alive, she was super popular with boys, like aoi-san." riku said, scratching the back of his head.

"hanako and i were the ones to defend her from classmates of any gender who would randomly confess to her." he said. hanako hugged rika's waist. "but too bad~ rika-kun belongs to me~" he sang.

"mmhm. but you're still too chicken to-" riku started but was cut off by hanako holding out his kitchen knife. he smirked and pulled out his scissors as a rebuttal.


when posessing yashiro's body, rika's eyes are both yellow but her right eye is dull due to it being blind and theres a lil scar on the cornea

published: 041220
edited: 000000

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