rumor no. 36

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⚠️ some manga spoilers from here on out ⚠️


"i can't kill t-them... and we can't return to our old world..." yashiro muttered, laying her head in her knees as she cried. kou's eyes were downcasted before they shined brightly.

"it'll be okay!" he reassured. "we din't know if she's saying the truth or not but even so, there's gotta be another way! and if there isn't, i'll find it!" he said, holding a hand out to yashiro, who took it.

"i promise!" kou said. "i will too..." yashiro said softly. "what are you guys talking about?" ren asked, putting his hand on top of the two younger students. this caused a chain reaction with everyone.

kou and yashiro had yelped, causing ren to yelp, making ran and amane yelp from beside ren. "what's wrong, nene-chan? you look like you've seen a ghost!" ran says, giving a big grin.

"ren-kun..." yashiro mutters. "hm?" the boy hums, tilting his head to the side curiously. 'of course i can't do it! how could i kill ren-kun and the others? there's gotta be another way!' yashiro thought.

mitsuba had called out to ran with a box of supplies in his hands. "senpai~! i've got the supplies to bring to the roof!" he said, catching the everyones's attention.

kou muttered mitsuba's name, his eyes both serious and sad. "senpai, are these okay?" the pink haired boy asked, showing off the contents of the box to the older girl.

"oh, yes! you've done a good job, mitsuba! we'll be there soon." ran said with a soft smile as she patted mitsuba's head. amane whined and took her hand from mitsuba's head to put it on his instead.

ran chuckled and sent the pink haired boy off.

ran chuckled and sent the pink haired boy off

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"ah... he's gone..." yashiro said, smiling nervously. this left the young couple and yashiro and ren to third and fourth wheel. yashiro had noticed a bag hanging from amane's shoulder.

"uhm, amane-kun, what's that you've got there?" she asked, pointing at the cylinder shaped bag. "this? isn't it obvious?" amane asked with a laugh, letting go of ran's hand to open the zipper.

"its an astronomy telescope! we're doing an astronomy observation!" he said with a big, close-eyed grin. "there's going to be a meteor shower tonight and everyone's going to watch." ran said.

amane jumped around excitedly as he blabbed on how the moon was a new moon which was a little too bright to be able to see the meteors. as he did, everyone heard a little, "ah!"

they all turned around to see someone staring up at the sky. "a shooting star..." he muttered. tsukasa turned around with a big grin, showing off his fangs as he pointed up at the star filled sky.

𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 - 𝘵𝘣𝘩𝘬Where stories live. Discover now