rumor no. 38

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⚠️ tw: slight yandere themes later ⚠️



tsukasa smirked and immediately saw ran walking with amane. he ran up and jumped onto ran's back, nearly making her fall over if amane hadn't helped stabilize her. "ran-nee! ran-nee!" he said happily.

"t-tsukasa! w-wait, hold on i-i'm gonna fall over if you don't be careful!" ran said and tsukasa giggled before letting go of his crush. "what's wrong, tsukasa?" amane asked his twin brother.

"hm? oh, nothing's wrong, amane~ i just wanted to see you and ran-nee!" he said with a big grin, showing off his little fangs. "is that all?" ran asked, tilting her head and raising her eyebrow a little bit.

"nope~!" tsukasa said and quickly stole ran's lips, making her squeak and blush. amane quickly pulled his twin brother off of ran. "what are you doing?!" he demanded, holding ran closer to him.

"mmm, i just wanted a kiss from ran-nee! no wonder you like kissing her so much amane! her lips are so soft!" tsukasa said with a giggle. "i bet you kiss her all day, huh?" this caused amane to blush bright red and slightly bury his face into ran's chest.

"i would appreciate it if you didn't assault my girlfriend like that." he said, his lips pulling into a pout. "tsukasa, if you'd like a kiss i'll give you one on the cheek but not on the lips." ran said. "her lips are mine." amane said protectively.

"hnn~ just wanted one more kiss before your assistant ends up killing you~" tsukasa sang. amane and ran freeze at the younger yugi twin's words. ran quickly pinned tsukasa up to the wall, a hard glare on her face.

"what did you say to nene-chan?" she demanded, her tone dark and cold. tsukasa's cheeks flushed. "nothing bad~ just the truth of course~!" he said with a giggle. "ran-nee, do you do this kind of stuff with amane? its kind of hot~"

amane blushed and glared at his younger brother who was making bedroom eyes at his girlfriend. "hehe~ i've seen you two do these kinds of things before~" tsukasa sang. he quickly moved so that ran was the one being pinned to the wall instead.

she gasped and her face burned bright red as tsukasa shoved his knee in between her legs. he looked back at amane who looked helpless against his younger brother. "tsukasa..." he whimpered, reaching his hand out to them.

"now then~ amane's assistant may or may not actually kill all of you. after all, it was ran-nee who had accidentally cursed her with bad luck a long time ago~" tsukasa said, and soon nuzzled his nose into ran's neck.

the younger yugi twin chuckled. "i can't wait to see the look on her face when she doesn't hold back~" he said, and pressed a short kiss on ran's lips before turning and kissing amane's as well.

"guess we'd better find her before anyone gets suspicious~" tsukasa said, letting ran fall into amane's arms. the pigtailed girl was frozen and her yellow eyes shook with fear.

"i hate how had to curse her with bad luck..." ran cried, burying her face into amane's chest. "there's nothing you could have done to prevent that, nono-chan." he said. "c'mon, let's go find her."

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