rumor no. 21

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yashiro and sakura had ended up talking for thirty minutes. "its true!" yashiro said, comical tears coming to her red eyes. "hanako-kun is like that all the time, i don't know what do to about it!" she said.

rika and tsukasa blinked at the daikon girl. "that sounds rough." sakura said, taking a sip of her tea. "i can't say i don't know how you feel. i have it pretty hard too." sakura starts.

"he never listens to me, his actions never make any sense. and he has no sense of personal space." sakura said and tsukasa jumped onto sakura's shoulders.

"hmm? you think so?" he asked. "yes, now please get off." sakura said, a sigh coming to her lips. "there's nothing really i can do about it. i think of him as a cat more than a person." sakura said.

"uhm... that boy..." yashiro starts and tsukasa gets off of sakura to poke both of his cheeks. "i'm tsukasa! i'm amane's twin brother!" he said with a giggle. "hey, hey!" tsukasa called out to yashiro.

this caught rika's eye as he neared her. she readied her tessen in case she needed to defend the human girl from the apparition that is tsukasa. "have you and amane kissed?" he asked innocently.

"what?!" rika and yashiro yelled. "no! we have not! besides he likes rika-chan and rika-chan likes him!" yashiro said. "hmm? i thought you two were dating!" tsukasa said.

"no way! he's not my type at all!" yashiro said. "really?" tsukasa asked, suddenly becoming closer to yashiro. rika stood from her chair as natsuhiko pulled tsukasa away from yashiro.

"stop that." the second year boy scolded. rika went over to yashiro asking if she was okay. "yes i'm okay rika-chan." she said. rika sighed in relief. "that boy...." she started.

"was... was he the one that hanako-kun killed?" yashiro whispered. rika had a sad look on her face. "yeah... because he murdered me and riku." rika whispered back, clutching her skirt in her hands.

yashiro's red eyes widened and she looked at tsukasa. 'that boy.... he... he killed rika-chan and riku-kun!' she thought in horror as rika had sat back down.

"sakura." tsukasa said, his tone dark, making rika's yellow eye snap up to look at the three in fear. sakura sighed and neared the two girls. "we all have our hardships." she starts.

"as long as we're bound to them, we can't disobey our masters no matter how much we hate their orders." sakura said. "right? hanako-kun always threatens to turn me into a fish!" yashiro said.

"i know the feeling." sakura said and rika's heart was beating out of her chest as she prepared her tessen. "you know too nanamine-senpai?" yashiro asked, holding sakura's hands in her own.

"yes. and so i'm sure..." the green haired girl started. rika's eye was widened in fear. "you'll understand." soon the girls were apprehended in their chairs, their arms and legs unable to move.

rika tried to pull against the restraints but was unable to. "let us go!" rika yelled out, her jaw clenching as her supernatural heart raced. "i didn't really want to do this." sakura said.

"i would save you if i could, but i can't disobey him. i'm sorry yashiro-san, rika-san." the green haired girl said. "ran-nee knows this already but amane and i are like polar opposites, y'know?" tsukasa said.

rika clenched her jaw as yashiro felt tears come to her eyes. "in a way i guess we're kind of rivals? archnemeses? well whatever, anyways we'll need you to disappear." tsukasa said.

the room suddenly began sinking. "i'm glad i got to talk to you two before the end." sakura said. "farewell." she said. "bye-bye!" tsukasa said waving childishly.

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