rumor no. 40 (epilogue)

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just some music vibes for the last chapter :,)
listen while you read!


hello! i'm yashiro nene, an aspiring thriving girl, title name in process, in the second year class. my boyfriend, minamoto kou had graduated and is now in the high school division with me and teru-senpai!

today, we get new transfer students, and teru-senpai is showing all of them around. he told me they were going to stop by each class to introduce them to all three high school levels!

hopefully, they're around the same age as us so we can add more friends into our friend group! maybe they're girls so that aoi and i could have another girl to hang out with!

yashiro waited by the door for teru and the new transfer students to arrive. "and this is class 2-a. yugi-san, this will be your classroom." teru said, and yashiro got excited as she heard his voice.

"oh, here's one of the class reps." he said, motioning to yashiro who smiled widely. "hi there! i'm yashiro nene! nice to meet you!" she said and gazed at the group in front of her.

there was a boy with choppy hair and soft amber eyes holding onto a girl with pigtails and two different yellow hued eyes. next to her was another boy who was identical to the first, his amber eyes constriced which contrasted from his brother's.

standing behind them was a taller boy with black hair and yellow eyes, most likely the girl's brother. "go ahead and introduce yourselves." teru said softly, motioning the group to yashiro.

the pigtailed girl smiled warmly. "i'm mizuno ran. i'm in the the third year class b with minamoto-san. nice to meet you, yashiro-san." she said, her miscolored yellow eyes shining brightly.

"i'm yugi amane, i'm going to be in your class from here on out." amane said with a soft smile, playing with ran's fingers. "i'm yugi tsukasa! i'm amane's twin brother and i'm in the class next to yours!" tsukasa said with a grin, showing off his fangs.

yashiro's eyes met with the taller boy's yellow ones, making her heart become warm for an odd reason. "hi, i'm mizuno ren, ran's twin brother. i'm in the third year class a. its nice to meet you, yashiro-san." ren said with a smile.

yashiro smiles softly. "something about you four gives me a... somewhat familiar feeling..." she says, putting her finger on her cheek as her eyebrows furrowed together. "like i've met you all before."

"hmm... maybe it was a past life?" ran asks, blinking as she tilted her head. "i heard somewhere, that when you get a sense of familiarity with someone, you've met them before maybe in a past life or alternate reality." she said.

"maybe we did..." yashiro said, softly.



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haha! you didn't think i was gonna end it like that did you?

thank you so much for joining me through the journey that is roaming hallways!

i thoughroughly enjoyed writing this fic a lot actually and i'm super proud of the outcome and the support that it's gotten!

so i'm thinking of publishing another tbhk book and i'd like your guys' vote on which one you'd like first

reverse au; where yugi amane falls in love with a toilet ghost (one of my ocs)

an almost crack fic; where hanako and tsukasa posess mizuno ran just for "funsies"

please comment on either one to cast your vote! i'd really appreciate it :)

as a little parting gift, i'll leave you with a little bit of trivia about our lovely hallway twins

please enjoy


• rika's favorite snack is takoyaki
• she listens to classical music and old love songs on the radio
• her biggest concern is giving too much bad luck on accident
• her biggest fear is tsukasa
• rika has liked hanako since they were alive
• she can play the piano
• rika's human name (ran) means "orchid" in japanese
• her supernatural name (rika) means "valued fragrance" in japanese
• rika likes cats and thinks of hanako as a big kitten
• (TRIGGER WARNING) she was sexually harrassed by tsukasa who would touch, kiss, and do innapropriate things to her and her body as he was entirely obsessed with her

• riku's favorite snack is taiyaki
• he loves festivals but hated when rika would leave him with tsukasa
• his biggest concern is rika
• riku's biggest fear is losing rika
• riku can play the violin
• his human name (ren) means "lotus" in japanese
• his supernatural name (riku) means "land" in japanese
• he used to sleep with rika when he was scared
• riku loves dogs and think's of kou as a puppy
• (TRIGGER WARNING) he was verbally bullied by tsukasa, often driving him to tears and beating him causing him to earn the nickname "crybaby ren"


published: 042920
edited: 000000

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