TWO ; nice to meet ya

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( Chapter Two )


real life ft. Diana !

My mind continued to wander for hours. I was thinking about anything and everything. I wouldn't lie; my thoughts always lead back to the fantasy world I'd build for myself. A perfect family, with a charming prince boyfriend and endless streams of friends. All we're waiting on their knees for my wishes and commands. But the reality of life wasn't at all like a Disney movie.

I soon settled into a restless sleep until the glow of the morning sun shined into my hotel room. The beams hit my eyes, causing my pupils to grow as large as golf balls.

Out of nowhere, a loud knock thumped on the door. Echoing throughout the whole room, bouncing off the four walls to my eardrums. Shooting up, my eyes felt heavy with sleep. I wasn't expecting any visitors this morning. None that I knew of, at least.

The person behind the door knocked again. Impatient much? I opened the door, allowing me to see who the mystery person was. Looking up, I saw that it was a blonde boy—the same one from yesterday's meeting.

"Well, it's nice to see you're up, love" His words seemed to float in and around me. His presence was quite uplifting.

 My New York accent sounded as strong as ever as I greeted the boy, "Well, good morning to you too, I guess."

The boys' blues eyes glanced straight into my brown ones. "Niall Horan, we didn't get a chance to meet yesterday fully."

He reached his hand out for me to shake. I reached my hand out and shook it in return.

"Diana Michaels," I answered back quietly. Still slowly trying to wake myself up.

"Well, I was sent to make sure you're up; glad you are because Robert wants us all up and ready to go in the lobby in 10 minutes," He said as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants.

"Oh, okay."

"Wouldn't want to have to break in." Niall jokes, now leaning on my door frame.

I let out a small chuckle, my lips curling at the ends showing a tiny smile.

"That would be something." I looked up at him, imagining what that could have turned into. It would have turned out to be pretty crazy.

"Well, I'll see you in a bit." The blonde boy leaned off the door frame, giving me one last crooked smirk, closing the door behind him.

Well, that was something I noted. I still had a smile on my face. I was glad to have finally had an actual conversation with one of the boys.

I then proceed to get ready for the day, throwing on a pair of blue washed jeans and a random sweatshirt. We were only recording, so we might as well be comfortable. I didn't think it would be this early in the morning. Oh well.

Hurrying up, I finished getting dressed. Brushing my hair, gathering my belongings together, and last but not least, sliding on a pair of sneakers. It wasn't that hard to get ready since I didn't have much time to spread out my belongings, only having spent a couple of hours here and all.

The elevator ride down was pretty quick. The hotel we are staying at was insanely elegant. Businessmen and women flocked around her; they all looked like they knew exactly where they were going.

The walls were decorated with paintings too expensive to even think about touching. I looked extremely out of place with a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt on.

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