FOUR ; papers

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( Chapter Four  )


real life ft. Diana !

Today's the day. The day I finally get to sign the contract with SYCO Records and their partnering management team, Modest!

People would kill to be in my position right now. Literal death. Yet here I was, living the dream millions want to be living one day.

It's amazing.


And to be signing to SYCO? That's a whole other story. I may not really like Simon, but that doesn't mean I don't like his company.

I must have walked back to my room after last night because I woke up in my own bed. Still in the clothes from yesterday.

Slightly disgusted with that fact, I quickly got into the shower. When I shower if my skin doesn't look like an 80-year-old grandmother, then it wasn't a long enough shower.

While getting out of the shower, I caught a look of myself in the mirror. Those eyes have seen so many things in my lifetime.

I often wonder what others are thinking when they see me. I've never been self-conscious about my body or appearance. It's something that just didn't bother me growing up.

I'm not the skinniest person in the world, don't get it wrong, but I wouldn't call myself fat either. I had my own curves. Maybe not as defined as I would like them to be, but sufficient enough for my liking.

My body is awkward really.

But if somebody had the guts to tell me that I don't uphold their standards, then I'd applauded them for their boldness. That takes guts.

After drying off with the softest towel I have ever used in my life, I got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a random Tee with the Yankee's design on it.

Yankees>Mets. Just a personal preference was my go-to when people questioned it.

My brother and I were younger, we used to skip school sometimes just to attend one of the Yankees games. Most of my fondest memories are with my brother, Weston.

I ran a brush through my brown hair and was on the way out of the bathroom. Once I got out of the bathroom I realized that my phone had been going off for the last 10 mins.

13 missed calls, 27 unread messages.


looking down at the screen I realized that the one and only Louis Tomlinson was the culprit. I picked up the phone and called him back. It ranged a total of 3 times before he picked up.

"WHERE ARE YOU DD? YOU NEED TO COME DOWN HERE RIGHT AWAY." I had to pull the phone away from my ear because of how loud he was. I wish he wouldn't yell so much.

"Could you not yell, please, and thank you, and it's Diana, not DD."

"It's Diana, not DD." Louis taunted the girl."I don't care, hurry up and come downstairs if you even want a single bite of breakfast. The rest of the boy and I are going to eat it all."

I checked the clock that was right next to my bed. It read 1026 AM. "Just save me an apple, please, and thank you," I responded, hanging up before I could give him a chance to say goodbye or come up with another sarcastic remark.

With that I walked over to the desk, shoving my phone into the back pocket of my jeans before grabbing my wallet, charger, and hotel key, and was soon on the way out.

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