EIGHT ; tomorrow

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( Chapter Eight )


real life ft. Diana !

"Louis c'mon man, you're taking forever," I yelled over his blaring music or at least tried to. The Doncaster boy had been in the bathroom for a record time of 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Banging on the door again, I demanded he hurried up. "You can't rush the process of beauty, how do you think I stay looking so young?" He responded, music still blaring.

"I give up." I huffed, grabbing my clothes for the day, marching my way over to Harry's and Zayn's room.

Their door was propped open with the deadlock, so I thankfully didn't have to knock or anything. As I walked in the first thing I saw was Zayn half-dressed, in the middle of pulling up his pants.

Nothing I haven't seen before.

Half of the boys at my high school love walking around half-naked. The girls loved it, me? No way in hell. It was as annoying as anything.

"Diana, what are y' doing here?" He questioned me, his face turning bright red as he rushed to pull up his pants. I ignored him and went straight towards Harry.

"Your lover boy is taking way to much time in that shower, I'm usin' yours." I pointed my index finger at him. He was in the process of styling his hair in their mirror by the dresser.

He turned to me, his face flooded with shock. Before I gave him a chance to respond I walked into their bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me.

Can ya blame me? When you need a shower, you need a shower. I have to take a shower after I wake up. Doesn't matter if I'm just going to sit around in pj's all day. A shower is a must. And Louis was just taking way too much time for my liking.

After turning on the water and letting it warm up a little bit, I hopped in. When I went to get my shampoo, it finally clicked that all my stuff was still in my bathroom.

Well, I hope they don't mind if I just use theirs.

Luckily, I'm assuming Zayn, didn't have just a 3 in 1 bottle so I just used his. It will have to do for now.

When I got out of the shower, I also realized that all my makeup was also in the bathroom. I am going to kill Louis. He is now number one on my hit list.

Usually, I would just put on some concealer and minimal makeup, but I guess today we were going all-natural...literally. It's not like I use a lot of makeup, I barely know how to use it, but it's sure as hell a nice confidence booster that's for sure.

After blow-drying my hair, I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white short-sleeved shirt.

Simple but effective.

My favorite thing to wear is funky socks. Target has the best socks in my personal opinion. I need to stockpile them while we are here because the closest Target in London is all the way in the city. And honestly, it's not worth the traffic.

Today they were light blue, with a cat in a taco. Taco cat. One of my favorites. I unlocked the bathroom door and walked out of the bathroom into their bedroom.

"Nice to see you're done," Harry said, looking up from his phone. He was currently sitting at the small round table, while Zayn was laying down on his bed.

"Thank you for letting me use your shower, sorry I just kinda bombarded and demanded to use it." I looked down, slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it, you can come in here anytime you want, we know how Louis can get sometimes," Harry reassured, kindly smiling towards me.

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