TWELVE ; you

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( Chapter Twelve )


real life ft. Diana !

"......and you're listening to hit 5. Coming in at number 15 on our top 20 countdown is"

I swiftly turned off the radio, not being in the mood to listen to it anymore. Hate to say it, but Katy Perry can wait.

As I was tapping my left hand on the steering wheel, waiting for the light to turn green, my phone buzzed.

Looking down quickly I grabbed it and tossed it into my lap as I gently pressed my foot onto the gas pedal because the light had finally turned green.

Once I gained enough speed I reached down onto my lap for my phone to unlock it. Quickly glancing at it and back onto the road, I saw that there was a text from Harry.

Making sure I wasn't going to hit anyone or run a red light, I clicked his name and called him.


"Hey Hayadooin, I can't read your texts. I'm still driving." I said, coming to yet another red light. California traffic lights were not being in my courtesy today.

"Oh sorry, just wanted to make sure you were on your way back. It's about your turn."

"You're good," I reassured him. "But yes and no, I am about...maybe 5 minutes out, okay?"

"Cool. See you soon."

Just as I guessed, five minutes later I pulled up into the parking lot. I parked the car into a parking spot close enough to the front door before getting out of the car.

Walking over to the other side of the car I grabbed everyone's coffees' orders from the passenger seat, closing the door behind me.

Of course, they put me in charge of it. I mean Harry and I are the only ones who can successfully remember everyone's orders without messing them up.

Last time we thought it would be a good idea to send Louis and Niall to go get coffee for everybody and they came back with McDonald's. It wasn't even enough for everyone either. So they were banned from ever doing a coffee run.

One of our producers, Matthew Crews, was nice enough to let me borrow his car this time around. Usually, I would have to take a taxi or just a simple walk, but he did come down from the heavens and rescue me.

I walked through the lobby and gave Katie a quick smile, as she was already preoccupied with a phone call.

Katie is Simons's assistant and hands down one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She has a lot of patience to deal with all of Simons's demands, so I give him a ton of props for that.

She had recently started coming to interviews and meetings in place of Simon, which is nice because that means I have an actual girl to talk to.

The only downfall is that she is usually based off in LA because she was Simon's eyes, ears, and mouth when it came to any business here in the US. So I don't get to see her too often.

Her light brown hair and small tan body, plus the fact she could always be seen in streetwear, really did show exactly the type of person she was. Truly a simple and sweet person.

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