SEVEN ; simple bunch

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( Chapter Seven )


real life ft. Diana !

"....the deadline is October 15th, we want to be completely done with the album by then. After that, we just want to promote, promote, promote...." 

This has possibly been the longest two hours of my life. These meetings are boring. It has been nothing but promote this, sell these, interviews that. 

I understand why we are having this meeting, but still, do we have to be here? We aren't the ones setting up deadlines. 

They tell us to go somewhere, we go there. 
You want us to do an interview? Sure, when and where. I might just die of old age before this meeting is done. 

"Diana, are you even listening?" 

This caught my attention, I have not been listening for the past 10 minutes. I was rather more interested in writing some "junk" down in my song journal and daydreaming. 

I looked up to the voice talking to me...Simon of course. 

"Uh. Heard every single word. Press release, deadline, more studio time. Did I miss anything else?" I sarcastically countered as I continued tapping my pen on the table. 

Truly Simon didn't deserve it, this time, but I needed some entertainment in my life and he just happened to open that opportunity right up for me. 

"No Miss. Michaels, you got everything." He had a smirk on his face, clearly a little amused. 

Robert, who was right next to Simon, on the other hand, was not as entertained by my antics. I was going to get talked to after this. Oh well, it was worth it.

I went back to writing some stupid stuff down. 'Close the door, throw the key. Don't want to remind, '̶D̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶r̶d̶?̶'̶ Don't want to be seen...' 

I'm more than positive this would sound good with a call and response for an acoustic guitar and maybe some half splash cymbals. 

This particular song seemed to be sounding more like a heartbreak rather than an actual love song, at least in my head it did. So I think the cymbals would be a nice touch to it. Maybe a descending minor synth keyboard action too. 

Writing kept me entertained and I wasn't interrupting anything that was going on so it's not like I was being a hassle or anything.

Louis, who was sitting right next to me, looked like he was about to pass out at any second. Niall, who was to my left, was already two steps ahead of him. 

He looked like he was slightly drooling. I don't blame him. I would too, but I had 2 cups of coffee on an empty stomach this morning so sleep was not an option this time around. 

Out of the six of us, the only one who was actively listening and paying attention was Liam, a big surprise there. He was even taking notes with the pad of paper we were supplied with. I don't know why though, we were going to be informed about all of this once again once we got back home to our home grounds. 

Earlier today Syco Records and Sony Records signed a deal so we could sell our album in the United States too. Simon has a lot of trust and hope for a band that can't, for the most part, sit in a meeting and pays attention. He had already convinced everyone on his team and now everyone here that we were worth every single second and penny that they have. 

There were also already plans for us going on tour in the making. Which was the wildest thing. 

I mean before I came along I know that they went on a tour for the X-factor, playing in huge venues, such as the O2 back in the UK, so they already have a pretty huge fan base resulting in that.

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