SIXTEEN ; something i'm not

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( Chapter Sixteen )


real life ft. Diana !

"This feels so weird. It's like yogurt in your ear." 

"Niall..please don't describe it as yogurt, you need to stop ruining foods for me." 

"It's not my fault actually, Liam is the one that said avocados-" 

"Nope! Don't want to hear it, stop talking while you're ahead of yourself."

I was currently sitting on a rolling chair, looking through a binder of designs for the IEMs. We aren't allowed to get anything but black this time around but they were still cool to look through.

This was the only time in our schedule when we would be in London to get fitted for the tour which sucked because this was our only day off. 

Niall and Zayn were still sitting down, with blue mold in their ears. Once the molding hardens enough, the worker would take it out. 

The whole purpose was so while on stage, we would put in these 'earbuds' in and you'd be able to hear the studio recorder version of whatever you were singing. 

"These are going to make us look badass," Liam commented, flipping through a random magazine. 

"Correction it's going to make me look badass, unlike you children," I replied, smirking in his direction. 

"Sure it will. You look like a toddler." He defended himself.

"Not for nuttin' but at least I don't look fresh out of the womb." 

"What the hell-" 

"No more of that, be professional." David scowled, walking into the small room with one of the employees following behind. 

The employee walked over to Niall and Zayn, taking out the molding and placing them into a container.  "All six of them should be done in maybe a month, my manager will be shipping them to you guys." 

"Better be, here's my business card, give it to your boss." David snarkily told the poor girl, throwing his card onto the countertop. "Now you guys are expected to go to your flats and relax. No monkey business. I mean it."

His fat stubby fingers pointed at us, giving us all a warning glare before walking towards the front of the store, slamming the door behind him.

"God I hate that pal," I loudly complained following Robert out of the building as we walked towards the car. 

"At least he isn't in charge of ya, you have a babe as a manager," Niall explained sitting down right next to me in the van. 

"True. Who died and made him boss? Certainly not me."

"Don't worry kids, I don't like him either," Robert told us all, starting the van up. 

"I mean what is his problem? We never did anything to him." Liam huffed crossing his arms across his chest childishly. 

"He probably just doesn't like teenagers," Robert informed us, turning up the radio when nobody responded.

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