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( Chapter Twenty-Seven )


real life ft. Diana !

"And now welcoming to the stage for the first time since 2010, One Direction!" 

I sat down on a box, mic in hand, as I waved towards the crowd. "What a turnout." 

"I know right," Liam responded. 

The crowd had a total of 7 people in it. That's right, 7 whole people. 

Robert, Paul, Katie, and four other random people. 

"You all are singing your single, Gotta be you, and what makes you beautiful, yes?" Jamie asked. 

Jamie is one of the stage directors on the X-factor, I've had plenty of interactions with her while being on the show. 

"Pretty much," Harry answered as he swung his legs back and forth on the box.

We sang both of the songs as Jamie explained what the lights would be doing, where we go after, how we get on, blah blah blah. 

"Man, I'm tired I could use a nap." Louis yawned. 

"Me too," I added as I wiped my hand across my sweaty forehead. If the light were this bright now, I have no idea what I am going to do tonight. 

Niall agreed, "I think we all can. Busy busy busy."

"Well, we should head back to the hotel now. No reason to stay here any longer, so you'll have enough time for about a 2-hour nap before you have to start getting ready," Robert informed us. 

"Paul," I asked the bodyguard. 

"What kid?" 

"Carry me."  

He gave me a questionable look before he quickly picked me bridal style and continued the walk through the studio. 

My body felt very sluggish today, my energy was completely drained. I needed that nap asap. 

"It's weird seeing this place so empty," Zayn comments as he walks beside Paul. 

"It won't be pretty soon, that's for sure," Louis added. 

"You got that right kid."

We, Paul I should say, walked back to the hotel which was only conveniently across the street from the studio. We are supposed to be surprise guests for tonight's show, so for once, we didn't have to worry about fans stopping us and asking for pictures. 

"Thank you." I tiredly thanked Paul once he dropped me off at my and Louis room. 

"Don't worry about it, go get some sleep. I'm only next door if you need me. That goes for all of you." He called out to all of us before he gave me one last look, walking to his room.

I plopped down on my bed, "It's not even worth changing is it." 

"Not one bit, we are going to be forced into a new set of clothes anyway later." 


I took off my shoes before climbing under the cold untouched covers. The cool touch felt wonderful on my hot skin. 



"Do you think you could- you know what, it's nothing nevermind." 

I lifted my head from my pillow to face him, "No what's up? You wouldn't have brought it up if it's nothing." 

"Trust me, love. It's nothing, just something peachy, yeah? Get some sleep, you don't look too hot yourself."

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