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( Chapter Twenty-One )


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real life ft. Diana !

"This place is breathtaking-" I stood in the shopping square taking in my surroundings. All the little market corners, to the astonishing architecture, even the people who call this place home.

Italy was a dream come true.

"Do ya like it here?"

"It's gorgeous, Niall." We stood shoulder to shoulder cherishing everything around us.

"We should head into a shop or something," I suggested, unhurriedly strolling towards one of the many stores.

"Sounds good to me."

I led us into a random shop that had the least amount of people in it. It would be remarkable if we were recognized while in a totally different country but I didn't want to take any chances.

As the door gently closed behind us I took off my hat and sunglasses, but as soon as my eyes completely adjusted to the light of the room, I was met with a large space full of glass plates and silverware. I've seemed to have led us into a dinning store. There were even thoroughly drawn pictures on teacups. Everything here seemed to be worth hundreds of dollars.

"Nice job doll, you lead us into a boring one." I gently hit him across the chest as I walked towards a glass table filled with more teacups.

"Think of it this way- you can buy your mom a gift from here," I told Niall as I admired a teacup with a bow tie cat running in a field of flowers. I am definitely getting this for Liam's mom for Christmas. I can't show up empty-handed after all. I love Christmas shopping, it's never too early to start either. Besides I hate doing last-minute shopping, it's very stressful.

"Diana, my mum isn't goin' to want a teacup for her cuppa. Are you ill?"

"I've never met her so I wouldn't know what she wishes for and what she doesn't."

We browsed around the shop for about 30 more minutes, pointing out anything that picked our interest or that we thought was funny, before heading to the front counter.

"Is that all for today?" An elderly lady asked, her English thickened down into her Italian accent.

"Yes ma'am, that's all."

"That will be 100 euros. Are you enjoying it- oh what is the word for it...your travels?" She asked with a snap of her fingers as she clasped my money from my hand.

"It's beyond what we imagined," Niall spoke up right next to me.

"Irish! I haven't seen an Irish person for so long. My momma was Irish. Lovely lady... May she rest in peace."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that," I told her, as I grabbed the carefully wrapped cup, which she had placed into a cardboard box.

"Oh honey, don't be. You have a good day
i miei adorabili figli!" She called behind us as we opened the door, I gave her a quick smile before walking out.

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