TEN ; real

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( Chapter Ten )


real life ft. Diana !

The rain softly drizzled onto the roof, behaving sort of as a tale for the children.

Drowning out the commotions of the city.
The laughter of drunk adults, the honking of taxis zooming by, the whimpers of children too young to comprehend what pain was.

Too innocent for this world just yet.

Two children in particular. One boy and one girl. Brother and sister. Now forever alone in this big, dangerous world. One event can cause so much distress to millions of people.

The world left them torn open, exposed to the pain of real life.

No superman to save them this time.

No place to call home.

Nobody to save them tonight...

( 2011 )

Walls can spill all your secrets. Their ears prying into your conversation. Holding them for years to come. They hear everything, from the confessions you tell the mirror to the secrets you tell yourself.

I hope you understand this because if something gets out, there is no going back. Secrets aren't always going to stay that... secret. That's the first lesson I taught myself after they nearly destroyed me. Never again I promised myself.

The clock had just struck 6 am. Yet here I am, wide awake. Sleep was never going to be an option. I accepted that. So be it, but that doesn't mean it's not going to beat me in the ass for not actually sleeping later today. I'm calling it now.

I unraveled myself from the sheets of my bed, climbing out of it. I quietly slid on a pair of shoes that were laying on the footing of the bed, not wanting to make too much sound.

I looked over to Louis to double-check that the coast was clear before slipping out of the hotel room.

I closed the door as gently as possible, exhaling as I successfully did so. Turning around away from the door I slowly made my way to the elevator.

After I pressed the button waiting for the elevator to come to me, I wrapped my arms around my torso, slightly wishing I brought a blanket with me.

The only noise that was slightly audible being the moan of the elevator gradually making its way towards me.

Once it arrived, I walked into it pressing the button for the first floor. No real plan on where I was going. Anywhere is better than just staring at the ceiling for a moment longer.

The elevator slowly made my way down from the 10th floor to the 1st. Once the doors opened up, I exited it heading toward a sign that was drilled into the wall. I quickly read the sign, slowly figuring out where to go. The lobby was quiet, with nobody in sight.

Not a soul in sight, not even behind the desk. Wild. Shouldn't there be at least one person?

There seemed to be a lounge area for guests to the right of where I was standing. Walking over towards that area I saw that I was correct.

It was an enclosed room with couches and chairs. A tv was mounted on the wall closest to the door and books spread out on every accessible surface. There was even a basket full of blankets.

I made my way to one of the couches, snatching one of the blankets as I passed them, and sat on the end of the couch wrapping myself in the blanket.

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