TWENTY-FIVE ; the past (extra)

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13 years, 3 months, and 14 days ago

July 7th, 1998

"Look at me! Mom, look!" A little girl yelled as she swung on a swing.

Presumably, the mom looked up to her daughter, "Look at your princess. You're almost touching the clouds."

"I am, I swear I am mommy. I feel like a bird."

"The cutest bird."

The girl hopped off her swing mid-flight, falling into the mulch, not even caring that she nearly scraped her knees as she hopped into her mother's lap.

The brown-headed girl hugged her mom as tight as she could, as well as a 4-year-old, could anyways.

"I love you pumpkin."

"I love you too mommy."


11 years, 7 months, and 4 days ago

March 27th, 2000

Dear mom,

You are not only my best friend but the best mother EVER! I love you so much and hope you have an amazing birthday.

P.s. There's a drawing of us on the back.

P.s.s I messed up

P.s.s.s we are suppose to be superheroes.

Love your favorite and only son, Weston


10 years, 1 month, and 30 days ago

September 1st, 2001

"Do you have to go?" A little boy asked his mom.

"I'm sorry honey, I do. You know how important this is for mommy."

"I know but who's going to read Diana her bedtime story?"

The boy's brown curls were covering her teary eyes. He has never been away from his mother no longer than 3 days in his 11 years of life.

Even then he could call his mom anytime he wanted, there was only 6 hour time difference stopping him after all, it just wouldn't be the same.

"Weston, don't worry okay bud? Mommy loves you so much. We will call every day and you can tell me about all of yours, Diana's, and Allie's adventures, deal?"

"De-ea-l." Weston hiccuped out as he 'tried' holding in his cries.

"Love you, buddy. You too, Diana." She whispered to the girl fast asleep on the floor as she hugged her son...

...little did they know that would be the last time they ever hugged again.


10 years, 1 month, and 20 days ago

September 11th, 2001

BATTALION 1: Battalion 1 to Manhattan.

DISPATCHER: Battalion 1.

BATTALION 1: We just had a - a plane crashed into an upper floor of the World Trade Center. Transmit a second alarm and start relocating companies into the area.

DISPATCHER: Ten-four battalion 1.

ENGINE 10: Engine 1-0 to Manhattan.

DISPATCHER: Engine 1-0 K.

ENGINE 10: It appears an airplane crashed into the World Trade Center.

DISPATCHER: Be advised, report of a second plane that crashed into the second tower. Be advised on the 83rd floor, room 8311, we have people trapped, room 8311, 83rd floor.

0958 Hours

MARINE 3: Marine 3 to Manhattan, urgent.

DISPATCHER: Go ahead, K.

MARINE 3: One of the buildings is partially collapsed and the whole entire area is (dead?)

DISPATCHER: Unit transmitting the urgent, identify.

MARINE 3: Marine 3, a major collapse in one of the towers.

DISPATCHER: Which tower, K?

UNKNOWN UNIT: Tower 2, tower 2.

MARINE 3: The south tower, major collapse.


1000 Hours

DISPATCHER: Manhattan to Field Comm.

CIVILIAN: Help me! I can't breathe. I am on the bottom level. How did I get- how did I get down here?

UNKNOWN UNIT: Hold on, there are responders near you. Can you tell me your name?

CIVILIAN: I don't know what happened. One minute everything was fine, the next I'm down here. I was on a the sky.

UNKNOWN UNIT: Ma'am, can you tell me your name?

CIVILIAN: Tra-a-cy, Tracy Mic-c-ha-es

UNKNOWN UNIT: Okay Tracy, breath. Can you do that for me?

CIVILIAN: What's your- your name?

UNKNOWN UNIT: Clifford. My name is Clifford ma'am.


UNKNOWN UNIT: Ma'am? Can you hear me? Tracy?



CIVILIAN: Wes-eston


"Your mom...she's died."

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