TWENTY-SIX ; loved by us

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( Chapter Twenty-Six )


real life ft. Diana !

Smell the air boys? That's the smell of a fucked up economy. Ah, good old America." 

Liam looked at me sideways, "Aren't Americans, I don't know, supposed to love their country? I mean you have a whole holiday for it."

"The only patriotic feelings I feel for America is the food. Most of the people suck, especially white males." 

"Can't say I don't agree with you."

Liam, Harry, and I were currently walking around the filming set of our next single, gotta be you, while the other three were busy filming their parts. 

"How did you guys do? Good, I hope." 

Liam smiled, "Yeah I did pretty well. They allowed me to drive a car which is surprising since I don't even have a license." 

"They're probably going to have to edit it so we don't see you driving it, little illegal I believe."

"I suppose so."

"Harry, how did yours go?" 

"Not too bad. It was chilly." He explained. 

"For sure feels brick out here. Why do you think I asked for an extra coat? You could have asked for another one you know." 

"Didn't think of it. I might actually once we go back." 

We continued walking closer and closer to a huge lake. There were already people setting up the set for later tonight.

"I think that they are going to set up fireworks for later," Liam commented. 

"Really? That's exciting. I haven't seen any since the fourth of July." 

Harry kicked the dirt, "I'm not a huge fan of them. They're kinda loud." 

"Didn't you start crying last time?" I laughed at him, wrapping my arm around his shoulder. I wasn't even close to being taller than any of the boys, but it was nice to try. 

"Don't mention it." He mumbled. 

"Diana! We need you for your motorcycle scene!" Katie yelled, her voice coming about 50 yards away from us.


"Hold on, motorcycle? You know how to ride one?" 

"Isn't that dangerous?" 

"My ex taught me how to a year or so back. It's perfectly safe." I laughed at their shocked faces. Both of their mouths were wild open as if they didn't believe a word I was saying. 

"Later gators." I gave them a wave bye and headed over to Katie. 

"Sup my girl." 

She shook her head and continued typing on her phone, "You need to get changed and quickly head over towards site G. Do you remember where that is?" 

"Yep. I'm all good." 

"Alright girlfriend, be safe, we still need to go shopping later."

"I will be, don't worry." I gave her one last look and started walking over to the camper that was set up for glam, better known as the beauty room. 

Katie and I have been texting nonstop for the past month or so ever since I got a hold of her number. I wanted to plan a shopping trip for us and the girls I meet on Niall's birthday. Maybe even Lou and Lux if they wanted to go 

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