THREE ; down to business

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( Chapter Three )


real life ft. Diana !

"You're insecure, don't know what for..."

I'll give them this, what makes you beautiful in simple terms is a masterpiece. The melody was currently playing in my headset, acting as a handlebar for the lyrics, which has proven extremely helpful.

It has a straightforward melody that gets stuck in your head for hours on, I wish I was acting a little extra but it's so true. The first time I listened to it, it was stuck on repeat in my head. All. Day.

One of the producers/songwriters, Falk Yacoub, was talking in the background. Giving advice to Harry. We have listened to the song for what seemed to be the thousandth time. But in all honest, it never got tiring.

"Diana, do you think we can do a run-through of the first half?" Falk's voice played out loud in the room we are in.

He was currently on the other side of the glass with all of the equipment and soundboard. It was just me and the other five boys on the opposite side of the glass. Some instruments and papers lay around the room.

Not going to lie it was a little messy but that was to be expected.

"Yeah, I think I'm ready." I nodded my head, conforming so. "Where are we going to start?"

"From the beginning."

With that, the first note was aired on all of our headsets. Harry started the beginning of the song. Sounding as charming as ever.

Harry's voices reminded me of the busy streets of home. It was showered with a lot of emotions and expressions no matter what he was singing.

I missed home. My job. The strangers, no matter how weird they are. London is just not home to me.

The streets were always busy, the strangers didn't have their usual charm to them, public transportation was a living nightmare. It's just difficult getting used to the sudden change in my life.

And for god-sake, everything they sell are in cans...

It has been a little over a week since I arrived here. I don't know when I'll be able to visit New York again.

Not that anybody is waiting for me to come back. Sure, I have my coworkers but that's about it. I'll tell myself that I need to work on making new friends, but then all I do is sit at home, watch Downton Abbey, then go to work.

It's a lifestyle I am very fond of. No matter how sad it sounds.

We as a group continued to sing through different verses of the song. Trying to polish the tiniest of details. Those are what amounts to something at the end of the day in my personal opinion.

This went on for almost 2 hours until we all decided it was time for a well-deserved break.

The lunch was okay. A bunch of cold cut sandwiches were already prepared in one of the many conference rooms at the studio. I wasn't too hungry though, so I mostly just conversed.

"Hey Diana, how are you enjoying yourself so far?" Niall asked, rolling around in a rolling chair.

I placed my feet onto the rounded table, "It's alright I guess, just trying to get the stupid harmony under my belt. I keep going flat towards the ends of my phrases."

He laughed, "I understand that. You should hear me late at night, sounds horrendous."

"It can't be that bad."

"Diana- don't jinx yourself. It's bad." Zayn shook his head, an unpleasant look on his face.''

"Come on now. It isn't that bad, it can't be."

"Oh, it's bad."

Laughter erupted in the room. "Tell me how you really feel there," Liam smirked.

"I'm going to have to agree with Zayn on this one Ni. It's bad." Harry snickered.

"Wanna take it there, Styles?" Niall grinned back.

"Bring it on, Horan."

They started to play fighting, almost slap boxing, causing me to inviolately burst out in a fit of laughter.

"50 euros Harry stops before Niall." Liam wagered, slapping the bill onto the table.

"Bet." Louis joined.

"And you have that just waiting on hand for what reason?" I asked Liam.

"You'll soon learn, sweetheart-"

"Diana. Not sweetheart."

Liam ended up being right, causing Louis to march over to Niall and shake him, "I had bets on you, lad! You failed. Failed, I tell you."

Niall started laughing uncontrollably, "I'm so-sorr-y, I didn't kn-ow- sto-p shaking m-e!"

"This is what you get, Horan!"

After everyone was done eating we were instructed to come back to the studio for one final run-through, then we would be free for the rest of the day.

In simple terms, we were exhausted after working on this song for about 3 days now. Half of one day was just focused on the instrumental side of things.

The good side of things was that I was allowed to play bass for a couple of run-throughs. The producers were even talking about discussing with management to allow me to play while performing which was exciting.

I never really performed bass in front of a crowd before, I'd usually just post YouTube videos of me playing for the shits and giggles of it. My brother was the one who taught me how to play, a while ago.

After a long day of work, we were finally on our way back to the hotel. For most of the ride home, I found myself scrolling through Twitter, only slightly listening to the conversation going on around me.

"Earth to Dianaaaa," Harry screamed in my ear, causing me to drop my phone onto my foot.

"Ow- What!"

"...nothing just wanted your attention." He shyly looked in my direction.

"Let me get this right, you yelled in my ear...just because you were bored? Goodness Harry, you're an attention whore."

"You're mean." the curly boy whined loudly.

"Oh, trust me. I know." I mocked him in return.

The remainder of the ride back was filled with laughter and jokes. They were slowly warming up to me and my presents.

I couldn't say the same about myself. Joking around with others and keeping the ball rolling in conversations had become second nature to me. It rarely didn't come in handy.

Once the group arrived back at the hotel we all piled into Niall's and Liam's room. As soon as we got into their room I plopped onto the closest bed to the door.

It must have been Niall's bed because there was a huge blanket with an Irish flag design on it. The bed felt amazing on my sore legs from standing up for most of the day.

I took the blanket and tightly covered my body with it, curling up into a ball. These hotel beds were just so comfortable.

I am so grateful for the chance to finally relax. These moments are a blessing I've come to learn since auditioning for the X-Factor. I was disappointed in myself for ever taking them for granted in the first place.

"Awe look at the tired New Yorker. Slumbering all her pain away." Zayn teased.

I chose to ignore him, moving into a tighter ball. The last thing I heard was the sounds of light laughter coming for the teen boys.

Laughter was always a good sign. I needed to watch my back though, I can't be caught getting attached.

That could end badly.


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