THIRTY-FOUR ; moved on

504 11 0

( Chapter Thirty-Three )


real life ft. Unknown !

"I need to send it. There's no going back now." I laughed to myself. "God I am a fucking- such a fool. She's going to hate me. Correction. She already hates me."

I ran my fingers over the top of the bottle of Jack Daniels, screwing off the top of it before I took a long-needed drink straight out of it.

I welcomed the slight burning feeling it gave as it went down my throat. "Time to stop being such a wussy."

After unlocking the phone, I pressed the only contact name before pressing the speaker button, allowing the rings to fill my basically empty apartment.

The phone continued to ring for a couple of moments. It rang for so long I was beginning to believe she would never pick up the phone, but just as I thought this her voice filled my ears for the first time in years.

I never thought I would hear her soft accent ever again. "Hello?" She asked again.

I was lost for words. What was I even thinking? Calling the one person I cared about who just so happened to believe me to be dead. I am such an idiot-

"Listen I don't know how you got this number but I am going to hang up now-"

"NO!" I yelled probably a little too loud.

"I- who is this?" She questioned me. I once again didn't answer, scared she would loathe me even more. "Answer or I hang up-"

Before she could finish her sentence another voice interrupted on her side, "Diana could you help me with something? I'm playing around with this idea- who are you on the phone with?"

"That's what I am trying to figure out, Zayn." She answered the other person. "Listen, either you tell me who this is or I press the ever so tempting red button."

"I-you-we-you just can't know."

"Excuse me? I can't know? How did you get my number? I will not hesitate to give this to my security team and have them figure it out, oh, and trust me, they will figure it out. That's a promise."

I breathed in deeply, "Okay okay, I'll tell you. But you have to promise me something."

I could almost hear her shaking her head in disapproval. The bridges of her ears glowing red out of anger as they often did when we were younger. "And why would I do that?" She asked me.

"Because. Just please trust me."

The line was silent as I waited for a response. It was so quiet that for a split second I thought she hung up.


I looked at the bottle of Jack before taking one more swing to try and calm my nerves. As expected, it didn't help one bit.

"You can't freak out, as you promised. What am I saying? Of course, you're going to freak out. I'm talking to you of all people."

"Just- Just get on with it."

I prayed to god she wouldn't just hang up the phone, even though I of all people truly do deserve it.

"It's me. Your brother. . .Weston Michaels. I'm not dead."

You could've heard a penny drop from a mile away with how noiseless it was.

I called it, she's going to freak out-

"Don't ever call me again you sick pervert. My brother died years ago! I was there when his lifeless body was lowered in that cold dirt! I was there when he killed himself! So before you think about calling this number again, I would ponder long and hard if you enjoy your life because I will kill you. Goodbye."

The sound of the called ending was the last thing I heard before I could even realize what had just occurred.

"Well, that went well. Just fantastic." I signed, laying my head on the counter. "God damn Diana. Why can't you believe me? I guess. . .I guess I am going to find you myself."

I pulled the well-worn picture of her out of my back pocket. I have carried this picture of her for twelve years now. Its torn ends were barely hanging on.

"I'm sorry Diana. You never did deserve all this pain." I could feel a single tear run down my cheek as I quickly wiped it away.

"Hope those boys treat you better than we ever did. They are a better family to you than Mom, Dad, and I were and would ever be. . .love you munchkin."

London here I come. 

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