NINETEEN ; lies (extra)

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All, (Zayn)

Keep this a secret; it's our deepest one
We've carried it for years, so don't tell
We didn't realize there was going to be a price.
Sign here! Sign it twice!

He said he'll make our wildest dreams come true.
(This is the history of six broken teenagers, the story you wish you knew)

Too bad this isn't Neverland and I'm not your wendy darling.
No, I'm just some foolish girl who made a deal with the devil.
Wish I could go back in time, spare myself the pain.
They took the word power to a whole other level, twisted until I was no more.

Harry, (Zayn)
Pretty toys, new champagne, it's a different thing every day.
(Welcome to your new life.)
New look, different me, can I stop playing pretend?
(Do this, do that, don't mind me.)
Pulling songs trying to find a top hit.
(You signed up for this.)
Meanwhile, we're losing our heads.
(Hope it was worth it kid.)

We were just kids, why couldn't we just be kids?

I was only 19 when I signed away my freedom.
How could I've been so ludicrous?
Drowning in their screams, do they really care?
They tell me I saved them.
If so, why did the girl give me a glare?
Is this really the answer?
Please tell fame really the key?
I'm losing all hope now, just let me be.

Let the people tell you lies, they just prefer the money.
Let the people tell you lies, do it for the article it's only one more story.

Harry, (Zayn)
Pretty toys, new champagne, it's a different thing every day.
(Welcome to your new life.)
New look, different me, can I stop playing pretend?
(Do this, do that, don't mind me.)
Pulling songs trying to find a top hit.
(You signed up for this.)
Meanwhile, we're losing our heads.
(Hope it was worth it kid.)

We were just kids, why couldn't we just be kids?

I lay in the bathtub thinking about how it used to be.
Would I rather this, or still be the small boy with that crazy dream?
I really don't know anymore.
I'm tired, it's never-ending.
I thought the glory and fame would help but it only makes reality foggier.
Who am I really anymore?
I'm not that boy anymore...

You whisper in my ear it will all be over soon.
But when will that be?
When the tide takes over the moon?
This isn't our life anymore, it never has been.
Accept the fact that this isn't us anymore.
It's a story they wanted us to be.
A false tale of some mystery.

Niall, Diana
They pulled us in, never letting us go.
They pulled us in, making us one of their own.

Tell me, darling is it almost over yet?
I'm tired of pretending I'm one of their toys.
I don't know who I am anymore.
I've lost that the day I turned 17
Why did you promise us lies?
You said we would be happy, do I look happy to you?

Keep your eye out for the young ones, those four special ones.
They aren't broken just yet.

But we are, we were just kids...

We just wanted a little fame
Let's just be us again
Can we be ourselves again?

I refuse to not be myself again...

The story of lies

Written by: Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Diana Michaels, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, and Harry Styles, (One Direction)

Unpublished 2013

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