FIVE ; out-of-bound

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( Chapter Five )


Diana | DianaXOXMich
"a plane says room " thxs harry for this information. Would be forever lost without it. no really.

fucking can't


real life ft. Diana !

I pressed the blue Tweet button, replying to Harry's latest tweet. I have a reputation or a cover I have to uphold after all.

I looked up from my phone realizing the plane had finally landed. LAX and it was huge. Much bigger than the airport we took off from.

I am so glad that we are finally here. That could have easily been one of the longest flights of my life. It was much longer than JFK to London that's for one.

The flight attendant notified everyone aboard, over the speaker, that we could now get out our carry on from above the seats and begin walking off of the plane.

It took forever for me to eventually get off the plane. My seat was, unfortunately, all the way in the back of the plane. The rest of the band ended up all spread out all around the plane. Zayn happened to be closest to me, but he was placed 4 rows up.

When there was finally enough room for me to squeeze out of my seat I did so, grabbed my stuff from the compartment above me, and started making my way to the front of the aircraft.

It was a slow walk to the front of the plane. People walking as fast as sloths.

When I finally got off the plane I was instantly greeted by a large man. He didn't look as scary as Robert, but he still had this aura of determination to him.

I noticed Harry was to the right of the man, with the rest of the boys, I instantly ran over towards him. "Who is that?" I asked in a hushed tone, waiting for one of them to

"No idea, Robert seems to know him though," Liam implied, shrugging his shoulders.

Liam seemed to be right because as soon as I glanced over my shoulder to see what he was talking about I saw that Robert was already chatting up the guy like they were old buddies or something.

Robert must have noticed us staring at their interaction because he quickly called us over. We were just as quick to walk over.

"This is a really old friend of mine, Paul Higgins. We used to throw a dart, go bar-hopping every Saturday night. Fun times." Robert told us, patting Paul on the back.

Paul just stood there not saying a word to us. He didn't even look like he heard a word Robert just said.

I would say he was just simply looking at all of us, but it was more like he was analyzing us. It almost felt like he was staring into our soul. As if he already knew half our secrets. I'm half convinced he already does.

I wanted to confess everything to him. I swear that the candy bar I stole when I was 5 wasn't on purpose. I didn't know how stores work. I swear.

After a couple more seconds filled with intense stares and awkward looks to one another, he finally spoke up, "My name is Paul Higgins. I will be your security specialist." His voice was just as scary as he looked, but it was also oddly calming at the same time.

We looked at him, not knowing what to say. He took this as a sign that we were listening and continued talking. "I have three rules. And these rules will follow you for as long as I am here."

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