SEVENTEEN ; you know it

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( Chapter Seventeen )


real life ft. Diana !

"All you need to do is drive down the highway for about 20 minutes, so we can get a couple of shots...okay?"

"Yuh mate I heard ya, now where's the car?"

"Now remember, you can not pass the grey Chevy truck."


"....we can't get in trouble again."

"Yeah, yeah I understand."

The first 10 minutes were fine. Louis was driving what seemed to be a good speed, music was playing as the windows were wide open allowing a breeze in.

Everything was perfect.

Couldn't say the same for what happened after those 10 minutes though.

"Do y'all hear something?" I wondered, turning around to look behind the car. As I did I saw blue and red lights flashing behind us.

"Pullover," I demanded, hitting Louis across the chest. "Pullover right now Louis."

"God damn women I am."

He slowly turned the wheel of the car to the side of the road, coming to a complete stop.

"What the hell did we do," Niall questioned from the middle row.

"Correction, what the hell did Louis do."

The car was quiet with anticipation. I peeked out of the side view mirror to try and figure out what was taking so long, once I did, I saw another car pull up behind the cop cruiser.

Slamming the driver side door closed, out strolled Robert. The director walked shortly behind him. The police officer shortly got out of his car after so.

Robert hovered over the police officer and the director, both smaller men weren't even half of Robert's height.

The Russian man caught my eye and waved at me, indicating that he wanted me over there.

I promptly unbuckled my seat belt and unlocked the passenger door. As I got out, I stuck half of my body back in the car and told the boys to stay put and not cause more complications.

Slamming the door shut before they could respond, I slipped my sunglasses onto my face blocking the sun out of my eyes.

As I shuffled the 50 yards over to the group of men, a couple of other cars pulled up. All filled with either the director's staff or our personnel.

In one of the numerous cars, I saw Lou who was videotaping the whole thing on her phone. Flipping her off as quickly as I could so nobody else would see, I reached the three men.

"-and how is that his fault."

"I'm not saying it's his fault, but he can get a ticket because he was the one driving the car."

"We- we have a permit." The shorter guy fumbled for a piece of paper. I think his name was Trever..maybe Tristan.

"Let me see that. There are still going to be re- and who may this be?" The officer inquired, looking me up and down.

"The name's Diana, I was over in that car." I pointed behind me towards the boys. I don't even have to glance behind me to know they were staring out of the back windshield.

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