SIX ; dreams of wonder

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( Chapter Six )


real life ft. 3rd person !

( 1999 )

"Good morning sleepyhead, it's time for you to wake up." A soothing voice interrupted dreams of fireplaces and the soft strumming of a guitar.

"Not's nice here." The little girl slurred in her half awake half asleep state, part of her still dreaming.

"C'mon you have to get up sooner rather than later." Her mom told her, her beautiful hair covering most of her sharp features.

She could have easily been a model, no questions asked. Cover of Vogue if she even wanted to, but she got pregnant with her son and daughter too young in most people's eyes, mostly her parents.

At the age of 16 was when she first found out she was pregnant. Soon after her parents kicked her out, not wanting a bastard grandchild. And by the time she was just about to turn 19 she got pregnant once again, a child of wedlock.

The mother, either way, made a living for herself and her children. Their father was no longer in the picture. But the mother wouldn't change anything about her life. It was perfect, no matter how many hours she worked, or how many meltdowns her children may have daily. It was all so perfect in her eyes.

They lived in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Known for its art and converted warehouses. Sure it's not the nicest part of Brooklyn, unlike places like the neighborhoods she wishes her children could grow up in such as Prospect Heights and Gravesend, but it sure as hell was home.

Diana's mom and Weston were both born in Virginia. That's where their mom fell in love with her boyfriend. The love of her life, sadly to this day.

The little girl eventually got up and was soon enjoying her mother's cooking. Her 8-year-old brother was already up and digging into his pancake.

His mouth was stuffed with food, he turned to his sister, "DIANA look how much I can eat!"

"Heyyy Weston, save some for me!" The brown-headed girl shouted, running full-fledged to Weston.

The little boy just laughed at her, not a care in the world. This is how most of the weekends in the Michaels household were. Full of laughter and joy. Never a dull moment with the three of them.

This is how Diana likes to remember her childhood, full of laughter and joy.


real life ft. 3rd person !

( 2011 )

"Diana, you need to wake up if we are going to try and do anything today." A British voice whispered in her ear.

"Not yet ma. Tell Weston to not be a pig."
The girl mumbled, causing Louis to become extremely confused, who is Weston he wondered.

After a couple more unsuccessful attempts to wake her up, he resorted to drastic measures. Time to pull out the big guns.

The boy carefully picked her up, making sure not to wake the girl up. Once she was successful off the bed, dead asleep, he dropped her onto the floor.

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