THIRTEEN ; heart

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( Chapter Thirteen )


real life ft. Diana !

"Harry honey you need to sit still or I'm not going to be able to do this hair of yours."

"Put on those trousers."

"I'm looking for Niall, he was just here two seconds ago."

"I think he went to take a little wee."

"Diana, it's your turn for hair."

Things were a little crazy right now. So many things were going on backstage that I could barely process what was right and what was left.

"Are you okay?" Lou inquired as she brushed through my hair.

"Just a little stressed, this is a lot," I answered the pregnant woman truthfully.

Lou Teasdale was a keeper. I had met her briefly while on the X-Factor. I see her a lot more often now than I did then.

She was hired to be One Direction's main hairstylist/makeup artist after they kept requesting her while on their X Factor tour. She wasn't as heavily needed when I first came along, but now that we were doing more interviews and such, she was traversing with or to us a lot more frequently.

I don't know how she is doing it being 7 months pregnant but she is sure is keeping up. "What are you going to do once that baby of yours pops?" I asked her.

"Well, the baby isn't going to 'pop' like a balloon that's for sure." She giggled at me, shaking her head in the mirror. "But I'm still planning on being there for you guys."

"Does that mean I'll get to meet the baby?" I cheerfully implored.

"I haven't seen you so optimistic before about something. Delighted my future offspring is what makes you not look like a rock all the time. But yes, you can meet the baby."

"I do not look like a rock. I'm happy more than you know."

"Yeah and I'm outrageous at doing makeup. Girly you need to brighten some more, you're living your dream." Lou advised me, hugging me on the shoulders.

"Now admire my work and go get dressed." She instructed me, I peeked in the mirror in front of me, not surprised to see that my hair looked flawless.

Lou had outdone herself once again, she had done it in a half up half down style. The top of my hair was in a neat bun, the other half was in loose curls. She left a couple of strands of hair to frame my face showing off her work on my make-up.

The makeup was pretty simple, she only did some light pink eyeshadow and black eyeliner since my face currently wasn't breaking out. Thank god for that.

I thanked her and gave a hug to the blonde, hastily snatching the clothes that were picked out for me on a clothing rack. One of our styles picked a pair of white flats, a nice white tee, dark blue washed jeans, and a jean jacket to tie the whole thing together.

Once I was finished getting dressed I walked out of the changing room and made my way to sit on the couch. Zayn was the only one who was ready yet.

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