THIRTY ; it's us or nothing

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( Chapter Thirty


real life ft. Diana !

A sharp knock on my door woke me up from a restless sleep, "Diana, are you in there." Somebody asked through the door. 

I signed shoving my head into my pillow, I just wasn't feeling it today. I needed a day off, "I'm busy."

"Well, can I come in?" 

"What part of me saying I'm busy didn't happen?" 

"You're not though."

" don't know that." 

My door made a clicking noise, indicating that they opened up my door.

I made an inhuman sound, "Who could it possibly be, I want to be-" As I shifted my torso to expecting to see one of the boy's faces but instead it was Robin in their place.

"What- what are you doing here...why aren't you in California?" I questioned, my mind coming to a blank explanation as to why Robin was standing in my doorway, thousands of miles away from his own home. 

I could have sworn the voice I heard through the door was Zayn...guess I was drowsier than I thought.

He gave me a gentle smile, flashing his teeth at me, "What are doing in bed? Aren't you supposed to be at your CD signing?" 

I felt my face drop and my face burn up at the mention of the signing, "Just- I just don't- I can't go. I don't- just cant." I released a breath that I was holding ever since he opened my door. "I'm making no sense, I don't know. I really can't explain it." 

Robin walked towards my bed and sat down right next to me as I stared up at the ceiling, "You don't have to explain it to me...I was just worried that's all." 

"Why are you here anyway? You're a long way from home just to check in on your dreary girlfriend." 

He chuckled, "Well my 'dreary' girlfriend's best friends called me asking me to fly out. They told me you haven't had any motivation to leave your room. Which you're completely allowed to do, just not alone." 

"Oh." I sat up into a sitting position, searching for a hair tie to put my hair out of my face. "Well I'm fine- can you hand me that hair tie...thanks. I'm fine. But you shouldn't have wasted hundreds of dollars just to see if I was okay." 

He looked at me with just a blank face that I couldn't read anything going in his head, usually, I can pick up on just any emotion of just about anybody so this made me slightly worried. 

"You're not okay-" 

"Yes, I am-" 

"No. You're not." 

I could feel the anger starting to bubble in my stomach. Who was he to think he knows everything about me. We've barely known each other for a month and here he is already dropping money to see me? 

I don't like it. 

"Darling," I flinched away at this, "I may not know anything about you, all I know is what has happened in the last month but you're not alright and you can't convince me otherwise." 

I snapped my head in his direction and started to explain my frustrations when I saw that his eyes were glossy with tears. 

"I'm- I'm sorry. Please don't cry. I'll try harder...look I'm getting up. Just please don't cry. I'm sorry Robby." 

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