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( Chapter Twenty-Three )


real life ft. Diana !

Turning off the bathroom light I made my way into the dark hallway. It was dead silence, I couldn't even hear the usual amount of cars that always seemed to be passing the apartment. 

I slowly walked down the hallway towards the living room, before I forgot that my guitar was currently laying on my bed. 

"Screw it." I quietly mumbled to myself as I grabbed one of Niall's many guitars off its hook on the wall and sat down on the couch. 

I strummed it as I hummed a random melody to myself, trying my hardest not to be too loud. 

"It's been a long time since we last spoke.
I still wonder what you're up to. After all the shit we've been through. And I've been spending a lot of time drinking and smoking. Hoping to subdue..." 

"The thought of you in my head." A voice behind me sang. I turned around, nearly falling off the couch, just to see it was only Zayn. 

"What are you doing up?" I quickly asked him. 

"Could ask you the same." He walked around the couch and sat next to me, lifting his legs so that his feet were resting on the table. 

"Couldn't sleep."

"Same here." 

"Look at us. No sleep gang." I lightly joked. Zayn just looked at me with that 100-yard stare that he gives when he has something on his mind. 

"Zayn. Give it to me. What's up?" I asked him, putting Niall's guitar on the table and giving him my full attention. 

He went to go start talking but stopped midway, closing his mouth, and started intensely thinking. 

For the short amount of time, I've known Zayn I've come to learn that he loves thinking. You can tell he has everything figured out, he is just trying to figure out a way to say it.

I believe that's why he paints so much. It's a creative outlet to release his thoughts. 

It's the same thing with Louis and writing or Liam and singing.

"Are we ever going to talk about what happened?" 

This was the conversation I've been trying to avoid for the last two days now. I don't want to put my problems on to somebody else. It has ruined many of my old friendships. I don't want them to think of me differently...or leave. 

"You can tell me, Diana. It's not going to leave the two of us. You can trust me."


"Just trust me, Diana. I have your back." 

I look up to the teenager next to me. The wind blew through his already messy hair. I've dreamed about this moment for years. 

The moment of freedom. 

"How can I trust you West. It's been years, years without you. Why should I trust you now?" 

"You just have to. Please." He begged. "Now are you coming or not. We don't have all night."

I looked into his eyes, they are so similar to the ones that stare back at me in a mirror. He was right. I do have to. 

"You can trust me." 

"I trust you." 


"I trust you." 

"Okay. Take your time." 

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