THIRTY-SEVEN ; the pain

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TW: SUICIDE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARENT COMFORTABLE. My DMS are always open if you ever need to talk. Again, do not force yourself to read this chapter

( Chapter Thirty-Seven )


real life ft. 3rd person !

"COME BACK! COWARDS!" Her cries slipped through her mouth as the room filled with the flashing lights of the ambulance as it pulled up the driveway.

"W-why? Why would you do this to me? Why why why why WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME. YOU ARE ALL I HAD LEFT-" 

A crashing sound could be heard throughout the entire house as she threw a glass cup, the shards flying all around the room. 

The room that used to have two heartbeats...but now only one. 

The teenage girl's body was limped over the older boy's now...dead...body. 

A cut-up orange rope and knife now laid on the floor next to the girl. Both of her hands were stained red from her blood. But she didn't feel any of the pain- not physical at least.  

"Why did you leave me? Was I-" Her voice cracked as she looked down on the boy's neck, purple bruises formed around it. "Was I not enough? Selfish- SELFISH!" She yelled at his lifeless face. 

But of course, he didn't react, for his chest no longer moved. His heart no longer pumps blood through his body. His lungs no longer inhale Oxygen, exhaling Carbon Dioxide. 

For Weston Killua Michaels was pronounced dead as of December 13, 2007.  

"I wasn't enough. I should have known. I should have known, why am I so selfish. I should of- should of- should have seen the pain in your eyes- FUCK. COME BACK. YOUR TIME ISN'T UP YET. I can't.." 

The girl was undisturbed at the sounds of footsteps walking up the flight of stairs and into the room. Their voices were inaudible to her ears as they tried moving her away from his cold...lifeless body. Her pained screams were heartbreaking for all around her to hear. One of the paramedics nearly started crying at the sound of the younger girl trying to bargain for his life...just one more moment with him was all she pleaded. 

One more smile, laugh, hug. 

"-it will be okay...we are taking you to the will all be okay, I promise." 

The paramedics have never in their 10+ years experience on the job see such a heartbroken girl. They understood why, for she had just lost her brother. But to her, he was her world, her everything. 

They were supposed to grow old together. Sitting on their porch in rocking chairs, telling tales of the 'good old days.' 

"We were supposed to be forever..." She mumbled, exhaustion finally taking over the poor girl's body. All her emotions finally hitting their point of...well when she couldn't feel anything anymore. 


"Diana. Darlin', wake up." Niall shook the crying girl as her cries whimpered out of her mouth. 

The red light of her clock read 4:17 am. 

Her pained cries for help had woken up the pair of teenage boys from their sleep. Zayn had run into Niall's room first to see if he heard the same cries...he had.

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