TWENTY-NINE ; average teens

666 22 3

TW: underage romance

( Chapter Twenty-Nine )


real life ft. Diana !

Mirroring his expression, I fake frowned, "You know I may not know you too well but you can afford to cheer up some. Why be so sour, huh?"

"Do you ever stop? You're quite embarrassing." He joked, a smile on his face.

"Oh don't act so flustered."

"Stop acting childish. How old are you again? 12?"


He stuck his tongue out at me before he leaned in closer. I slowly moved closer and closer towards the car door as she inched near me, trying to create as much space as possible in between us.

He tilted his head towards my ear as he whispered into it, the air contract ticking me, "Okay miss seventeen. Why did you agree to go on that date with me?"

I could feel my face slightly heat up from this close contact with his face near mine. As I breathed in, to try and get some air flowing into my lung, his scent engulfed my nose, making me slightly lightheaded as it clouded up my brain with how amazing he smelt.

"I guess that's a secret for later," I whispered back, hoping that I was so intoxicated with his scent that I didn't say it at all. 

As the vehicle came to a halt, he got out of the car and opened my door without so much of a complaint, "Madam."

I looked up and met his gaze, his brown eyes stared back into my own with such capacity that I could barely look away. His eyes gave no indication or care for the conversation we briefly had in the car.

With a brisk smile, he grasped my palm in his own and led us gracefully over towards the audible clatters of paps.

He let go of my hand, looking over his appearance before turning and facing me. The palm of his right hand gently hovered over my collar bone to my necklace, fixing the chain that somehow ended up tangled with my dress straps, "They are always too much, don't you agree?"

I could feel the ends of my ears heat up from this action, "Um- yeah, just a little."

He leaned in towards my ear, "Look who's getting flustered now."

Before I could react to this teasing manner, he pulled away and ran his hands down his tux before showing off his million-dollar smile once more, "Ready my dear?"

I nodded my head once more before clasping his arm as we made our way closer and closer towards the flashing lights. The last time I was near paps- well it didn't end so well.

The only difference is that there is a barricade blocking them from us and that there is a us now.

"You don't have to squeeze my arm so harshly. I mean I know I am fit and all." He teased me once more.

I looked up and met his eyes, "Oh how you wish."

"For you to swoon over me? Only everyday sweetheart."

"Exactly," I commented as we finally made it towards the clicks and flashes of what seemed like hundreds of cameras. I'm not even sure if he heard what I said.

As I was coached before this, and for numerous other occasions, I clasped my hands behind my back, standing up straight, and gave them my best smirk. The reason being is to show off my outfit to the press. Hundreds of dollars certainly "just can't go to waste" as Caroline would say.

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