THIRTY-FIVE ; jingle bell ball

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( Chapter Thirty-Five )


real life ft. Diana !

"Zayn, I can't drive with you eye raping me." glared at him through the rearview mirror.

He shook his head, turning towards the back window. A couple of minutes went by, filled with the same tension that's been floating between Zayn and me since...well since the call.

"What is the problem-"


"What? I can't handle another moment of this. I just need to know." He huffed from the left of me in the passenger seat, crossing his arms across his chest.

I shook my head, gripping the steering wheel tighter, "Just because you feel the need to does mean you have to know. Understand?"


"NO!" Zayn and I yelled together.

Zayn sighed, "Look, mate, it's- it's complicated. I don't even fully understand, " He cleared his throat. "Everything is fine. Just focus on tonight's performance, yeah?"

"Yeah." He mumbled.

As I pulled up to the location my phone started ringing from my back pocket. I timely pulled it out, seeing that it was Robin calling me.

"Hey sweet cheeks, what's going on my lovely lady."

I chuckled, "Nothing much. Just finished driving, walking into the building right now."

"Hate to break it to you, but isn't that a little illegal?" He questioned me. I could hear the sound of people laughing and talking from his side of the call.

"Maybe, but it was either that or directing one of the boys from the passenger seat. Would you want to deal with that?"

I quickly caught up to the two boys at the entrance of the building. We were quickly escorted towards the dressing rooms by a security guard. When we walked in Liam gave me a confused look.

"Robin," I explained

"Huh?" Robin asked. "No sorry, Liam wanted to know who I was on the phone with. So what's going on? Any reason for the random call?"

"Currently at this party my PR team wanted me to attend. Strippers, drinks, the usual."

"Uh-huh." I sat down in the chair in front of Lou's set up as she pulled my hair out of its messy braid. I gave her an apologetic look as she lightly shook her head in disapproval.

"I would much rather be with you. Watching a movie, eating some of your favorite ice cream, cuddling. The whole deal. I'm sorry I couldn't make it tonight."

I lightly laughed, "Don't be! It's all okay. You're a busy busy celebrity- with things to do- you get my point. It's not internal."

I heard what seemed to be a person shouting and a loud crash. "Are you okay?" I questioned, concerned that something happened to him.

"Yes- yes I'm fine." He answered me, slightly out of breath. "Qué demonios estás haciendo? Idiotas. Tu madre debería estar avergonzada."

It took everything in me to not start laughing, even though I didn't understand a word he was saying.

"I'll call you later, some asshate just broke a glass table. I'm going to go help clean up the mess so nobody else gets hurts. Tell your boys I said good luck. Kisses." He hung up the phone.

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