ELEVEN ; ghost of you

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( Chapter Eleven )


real life ft. Diana !

I never want to see another box for as long as I may live.

They were currently surrounding me in my new room. I have been unpacking for about 2 hours now, granted I am nearly done but it was still insanity.

When Claira informed me she had packed up my old room and organized everything I didn't assume she meant everything had its own personal box. For God's sake, my hairbrush was in a separate box.



Don't get me wrong I'm grateful that I know where everything is but still. There is a limit on how many boxes are enough.

The room was nice. It needed some decorations because it is a bit simple but it's nothing I can't fix. The bedroom was a fairly decent sized room. All the walls were painted white. The bed was in the middle of the wall, facing the door, two end tables on either side of it.

When you first walked in, to your right there was a dresser with a tv mounted onto the wall right above it. There was a closet on the right wall.

I successfully had just enough coat hangers for all of my hang-ups which I was extremely glad about. The only thing I needed to unpack was my suitcase from LA.

Since I didn't have any wall decoration, other than a couple of pictures, which I thumb tacked on the free wall. Niall, who was helping me unpack my stuff, as he promised on the airplane, gave me an extra Irish flag he had sitting in his room. Apparently, a fan from when he was on the X-Factor gave him it and it had been sitting in his room until now.

We had successfully tacted it above my bed frame so it was the first thing you saw when you walked in. The funniest part is that I'm not even slightly Irish. My mom was Italian, so the fact that I was supporting a nationality that isn't even in my genesis is just hysterical to me.

I clicked the power button on my phone to see what time it was, the screen read 9:27 am. We arrived at the airport early this morning which wasn't so bad. After arriving back at the apartment complex around 5 am, Zayn went straight to bed. Saying how he needs at least 7 hours max to survive.

Niall and I, on the other hand, had slept most of the flight back home. He suggested that we might as well start unpacking my stuff since there was nothing better to do. So that's exactly what we did.

Around 7 though he plopped himself in my bed, crawling underneath my covers, and fell instantly asleep. Even though his room was 5 feet away, right in front of mine.

The apartment was cozy. It was a nice complex. There was even a swimming pool and it had a gym. The boys had a couple of decorations around the house but it mostly consisted of pictures of their family and each other.

On one of the free walls in my bedroom, I put up pictures of my family from when I was a lot younger, and a couple of some friends from high school. I even had one of me and my old foster family.

Niall had suggested I put up a couple of ones of all six of us together. We had taken plenty of selfies and group pictures while in LA which gave me plenty of options to choose from.

My favorite picture is one of all of us in the studio. We were all in the recording room, pilled up on the floor, one on top of each other. I had ended up on the bottom of the pile, you could only see my face.

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