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( Chapter Thirty-Nine )


real life ft. 3rd person !

"I feel like a child again," Diana commented as she admired Liam's childhood home. Lights were elegantly hung on the roofing. To Liam, they were the same old lights that have been placed in the same spot for most of his life, but to Diana they were magical. It felt as if she was six-years-old again, looking up the 20 feet tall Christmas trees at central park.

"It's alright I guess." He commented, dragging their bags to the front porch, "Are you coming in or not? My mum has been dying to meet you."

Diana gave him a small smile as she walked into the warm, welcoming home. The smell of fresh pine and cinnamon overwhelmed her nostrils as she took it all in.

Payne's house wasn't as fancy as all the celebrities' Diana has met, but it is more welcoming than any of those places would ever dream about being. Pictures of the family were hung around the house, alongside more Christmas decorations than she had ever seen in any other living room. Their Christmas tree was filled with many homemade decorations from over the years, as the Payne children grew up.

Suddenly Liam was engulfed in a hug from his mum. "Oh, I've missed you so much." She cried out loud. "You have no idea how long it's been- look at this hair. Oh Goodness, you need a haircut."

Diana let out a loud laugh at Liam's mom as she gushed over her youngest child. "Oh, Diana! Look how pretty you are! I am so happy you are here with us- Liam Payne! Where is this poor girl's jacket, it is snowing outside and you didn't even think about offering her a jacket? Have I taught you nothing?" She brought Diana in the warmest hug she has ever felt in years.

Liam didn't dare interrupt this moment for Diana after seeing the girl close her eyes and reflex into his mother's arm.

"Now Liam, why don't you take your guy's stuff upstairs while Miss Michaels and I catch up." Mrs. Payne pulled Diana's hand into the kitchen. Diana gave Liam a shrug as she mouths an "I'm sorry."

"Now, sweetheart, you are welcome to anything in here, I just stocked the cupboards with plenty of munches and goods. Liam told me how fond you are of peppermint tea, so I made sure I bought it." Ms. Payne rambled on as she placed a fresh cup of coffee into Diana's hands.

"Ooh- you didn't have to-"

"Nonsense. I want you to feel as comfortable as possible while you're here. Now-"

Diana's face flushed bright red at her comment, as she listened to Liam's mother ramble on about her daughters and how they would be coming over in the next couple of days.

"Oi, ma, leave the poor girl alone. I didn't bring her for you to talk her dang ear off." Liam told his mother, pulling Diana by the arm out of the kitchen.

"You didn't have to 'save me'." Diana laughed. "I was quite enjoying myself talking to your Mom."

Liam sat down in a rolling chair that was neatly placed in front of his desk. His old room was cleaned before their arrival.

"She can be a bit too much sometimes. Please warn me if she's hogging you too much."

"Trust me, I don't mind..." Diana trailed off as she looked around at Liam's childhood bedroom.

She walked over to his dresser that had pictured a younger version of him now. Diana guesses he was maybe five years younger in the photo. "You played soccer?"

Liam looked up from his desk and shot up out of the chair to push Diana away from the pictures, "You bitch, don't look at that." He laughed loudly as he looked at the pictures himself. "What a small thing."

Diana shocked her head at his reaction. Just as she was about to make a snarky comment, her phone started ringing, indicating a phone call.

"Diana Michaels." She answered the phone, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Babe." A rough voice answered back, their breath sounding a bit harsh.

"Robin, I wasn't going to call you until later tonight. Is everything alright?"

"Yes- everything is great, darling. How was the flight? Liam's Ma just as beautiful as you described her to be?"

Diana chuckled at his comment, "She is and the flight was okay- are you running?" She asked him.

"Indeed I am. How did you know?"

"Well your labor breathing for one, and besides I can hear the treadmill in the background."

"Thought I was being sneaky." Robin laughed in return. "I miss you." He sweetly told her.

Diana signed, laying down on Liam's bed, completely aware he was listening in on her conversation.

The boys may like Robin, but that didn't mean they weren't protective over her over every simple little thing.

"I love you." She responded.

"I love you too."

Diana and Robin talked for a half-hour before Robins's trainer yelled at him for not stay concentrated on his breathing techniques.

"I'll call you later, baby. Text me."

"I will." She promised, hanging up the phone.

Diana held her phone to her chest as she exhaled deeply.

"Young love." Liam teased.

"Oh shut up," Diana responds dreamily, smiling brightly up at the glow in the dark star clings that were hung up on Liam's ceiling.

"Thank you," Diana whispered.

"What for?"

"For a friendship I could only dream of having."


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