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 ( Chapter Thirty-Three )

BTS One Direction: A Year In The Making (DSM Interview) Scene 3 Take 1 

"Memories are a pretty funny thing. Sometimes you remember them, sometimes you don't. The ones you don't are usually not that important or maybe it's because your brain just doesn't want to remember it." The brown-haired girl laughed at the camera. 

A voice was heard coming from behind the camera, "And what would you say your fondest memory of this year would be?" 

Her laughter once again filled the room, "Too many. I've had a grand time these past couple of months- but if I had to pick one I would have to say 'staying up th my boyfriend, the boys, and a couple of our friends just to have a movie marathon would be number one'. Such a fun night but- don't get me wrong- but we were all so exhausted the next morning."

The girl shifted slightly on the stool she was sitting on, slightly cracking her back while doing so, "It never gets old though... working I mean...sure there's a lot on your agenda but I would rather have a million things to do day-to-day than currently be applying to Universities and Colleges." 

The interviewer nodded, this action just so  happened to not be caught on camera as it paneled back onto Diana, "What did you want to do before- well before all of this." He made a hand motion to the cameras and people working being them. "The fame, money, albums, hit singles. Not to even mention the good looking boyfriends." 

"Well since you mentioned it, the boyfriends are nice. Especially when they are sending you your favorite flowers every week." Diana's eyes, for the first time caught on camera, were filled with lust and affection when she mentioned the flowers. 

"Funny enough I wanted to be a teacher. Never really liked kids, I just enjoy teaching things, you know?"

"Of course, " He answered. "And your family, how are they? Are they adjusting to your new status?" 

Her face froze for a millisecond before she caught herself, "Well Liam's mom and siblings are sure as hell proud of me, that's for sure." She joked. "But no, it's just me. Good old Diana Scott Michaels." 

"Of course, of course. And are you thrilled about the tour? We heard that you would be possible going to America too? Any plans for when you get back?"

"What question do I answer first?" Diana smirked. "I am so excited about the tour, maybe not as much as the fans but still eager nevertheless. And I will probably show the boys around Brooklyn if we get the opportunity to do so. Show them where I grew up and such."

"Well, I am sure your fans can't wait for the tour." 

"I can't wait to perform and see them every night." 

"And that is all the questions I have." The guy announced. 

The audio of the camera turned off just seconds after the guy's last statement. The camera was still on Diana as she looked to be gazing off into space. 

After about 10 seconds through the screen turned black, leaving a message on the screen.

I miss you, Diana. Hope you see day. I hope you know who it's from. I'm sorry for all the pain and suffering I've caused us. See you soon- Bubba 

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