TWENTY-FOUR ; teletubbies

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( Chapter Twenty-Four )


real life ft. Diana !

"Oh, the love for being blinded by twenty different cameras. It runs deep in my soul, especially when it's foUR FUCKING AM IN THE MORNING." 

Louis sighed, "Oi shut up lad, it's too early for the complaints already."

"Shut up lad, blu blu blu, I don't care." Liam resorted back, slouching into his chair.

"Well, clearly you do care a small bit if you're taunting back," I told Liam as I sipped my coffee. 

Lou gently shifted my head back towards her, "Gotta stay still or we will never get your makeup done in time." She mumbled to me quietly. 

The dressing room soon settled into a quiet/relaxed environment, the only sound being the tiny baby who was in some weird tot seat thing by my feet.

"Does your mommy have you trapped like a little monkey? Are you her little lab rat? Blink if you need help." I asked the Lux who just stared back at me. 

"Blink if you need help," I repeated. 

"Diana, do you have no cousins? Younger nieces and nephews, any type of babies, even neighbors?" Lou asked me. 

"Nope. None, why do you ask?"

"Oh, it's nothing." 

"She thinks you're weird," Robert informed me as he pulled a chair next to me, swiftly picked Lux out of her 'death' chair.

"She doesn't not!" 

Zayn lifted a pillow from his head, "Micky, shut up. I want to get more sleep but I can't with you yelling across the room." 

"Real talk, she doesn't not. The kid likes me. . . I think," I whispered the second time. I didn't intently mean to be so loud, I just tend to get worked up easily. 

"I know sport, I'm only fucking around with you." 

Robert was gently holding the youngster. He was so gentle with her. We were both as still as possible, watching Lux's stomach move up and down with each breath she took. 

"You want to know something?"


"I have a little one at home. My wife and I, Lada, gave birth to him just about 7 years ago. The most beautiful boy I have ever seen that one is I'll tell ya. He had the clearest blue eyes, it was almost like looking at the Dead Sea in Jordan. And his mop of curly red hair, it almost reminds me of you. You both have the same laugh creepy enough." 

I have never seen Robert so happy to talk about a topic before. I also had no idea about his son and wife, I just summed he was single since he was always so cranky. 

But he probably just missed his family. 

"What's his name?" 


"Like a lion." 

Robert looked up with a questionable look, "His name means lion. So he is probably brave, has a free spirit, and is courageous as they get. But you can believe what you want." I explained. 

"No, you're right. He is a character. The man of the house, my little voin."

Lou soon finished my makeup and instructed me to go over towards Caroline so I could get fully dressed. 

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