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( Chapter Twenty-Two )


"Make it stop, please make it stop!" 

"Diana listen to me, you're okay-" 

"It's all too much- too loud. Way too loud." 

"I'm not leaving you, I have you." 

"Make it stop. Make it stop. Stop, just stop." 

Four hours before 

real life ft. Diana !

"Yes! Thank you for your help. It is appreciated!" 

Just as I said this a bag of apples fell out of one of the many paper bags I was holding. "Are you fucking kidding me! Could this day get any worse?" I mumbled, slowly bending down to try and pick them up. 

"Need help?" Niall asked, walking into the hallway from the living room.

"No, no I got it. I'm already doing everything else." I huffed finally picking up the bag of apples but as soon as I did another thing fell out of one of the bags.

"I give up!" I placed the bags onto the floor, leaving them and Niall as I walked towards my room. 

First, the taxi I ordered never showed up, then the usual grocery store we shop at was closed, and when I finally made it to another store my card wasn't working so I had to rush to an ATM to pull out cash. 

If nothing was going to work today then I'm just going to give up and let the day run its course because nothing I was doing was helping matters one bit it seemed. 

I walked to the corner of my room, squeezing my body between the wall and end table, and placed my head in-between my knees as I placed my arms over my head protectively. Before I could help it I started crying. I was just so frustrated. 

Why the hell am I like this? Why can't I just get over it, it's just a bad day. The boys hate me now, I've been nothing but a dick to them. 

There was a knock on my door about 20 minutes later. When I didn't acknowledge the knocks, my door opened. 

The person just stood at the doorway for a moment or two before sitting next to me on the floor. 

"Are you- are you okay?" Niall quietly asked me. 

"I'm fine-" I started before he interrupted me.

"What do you mean you're 'fine', you're not fine Diana. What's wrong, what happened?"

I lifted my head to look at him in the face. He didn't even bother hiding his true emotions. His face rained of worry and distress. 

"I don't- I don't understand." 

"What don't you understand?" Niall asked, moving slightly closer to me. He went to place his hand on my leg but I quickly moved away. Hurt flashed across his face by this but he hid it pretty quickly. 

"This! All of this." I motioned around the room, getting off of the ground. 

"Is she okay?" Zayn asked. I don't know when he got here and I frankly didn't care right now. 

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