TWENTY-EIGHT ; superstars

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( Chapter Twenty-Eight )


real life ft. Diana !

"This- this is insanely good. I haven't had anything taste this good in years. Who made it?" I continued shoving the delicious chocolate cake into my mouth. I really couldn't get enough of it.

Louis chuckled, "My mum. She thought you would enjoy something homemade and sweet."

"God bless that woman. She is a literal angel. I'm going to have to thank her when I get the chance."

"Oh, can I have some?" Zayn asked as he started reaching for my fork.

"I don't reckon that's such a bright idea-" Harry confessed.

"Unless you want my germs." I finished for him. "I'm still sick you idiot."

I do need to get a handle on myself when it comes to getting sick. I always tend to leave it alone for as long as I can, until it's too late.

"You know if you dealt with it earlier and stopped dismissing it, you wouldn't be this sick for so long," Robert lightly teased me, not even bothering to perk up from his morning paper.

I argued, "Oh trust me. I'm learning my lesson. You're not the one who's been breathing out of one nostril for almost a week."

"Karma." Liam coughed out.

"Yeah, yeah, I could care less."

Liam hugged me from behind, "You say that but I know how you feel."

I huffed loudly, "Bully."

"A bully that loves you dearly sista."

I stood up and started making my way to a separate room where the listening party would be hosted.

The walls of the room were covered in magazine pages and pictures that gave it a kinda cluttered feel to the room. There was one long L shaped couch, toys, and balls everywhere in the room. There was even a poster of our album on the wall behind the couch.

"Nice," I commented to myself.

"Right? Are you excited sickly?" Niall answered back coming out of nowhere.

Before I could answer his question I started, what felt like, coughing up a lung. Niall gave me a concerned look as he rubbed my back as I continued coughing.

"You good, love?" Harry asked as the rest of the guys followed him into the close-quartered room.

I lightly tugged on my bottom lip, "Y-ep. Doing wonderful."

I sat down towards the end of the couch, pulling my legs underneath my body so I was sitting on them and leaning back all the way.

The radio show host walked and greeted all of us before she started making sure all the cameras and her coworkers were ready to go live.

I looked slightly behind there and saw that the one and only rat king himself was walking towards.

"Good afternoon boys...and you...Claira and I will not be here to babysit your children so be on your best behavior, or else there will be a problem, understand?" David scolded, not even giving a shit to look up from his phone.

Claira stood next to him shaking her head at the nonsense that was coming out of his mouth.

As David walked away Katie walked past him and walked over towards us, standing next to Claira, "What the hell is his problem. Mumbling about idiots, sorry mister but the only idiot I see is your pitbull arse."

I laughed aloud at her comment, "That's what I've been saying."

"What a fool that man. Hope he falls off a- Diana if you could not sneeze in the middle of my sentence that would be just great. As I was saying, of a cliff." Louis said from right next to me.

"Speaking of sneezing, here Diana I brought you a baggie. Call it my cold pouch. It has some tissues, cough meds, a bottle of water, some crackers, and such. We can't have you getting sicker. There's too much going on now with the tour starting soon." Claira rambled on as she handed me her 'cold pouch'.

"Fuck- I have to go, please please please behave, especially you two." She pointed to Louis and Harry.

"They will, I'll keep an eye on them," Zayn promised the older woman. With one last nod, she fled the room.

Katie sat down right in front of me on the floor, "Why the hell is she warning you two, what did you do? Start another fight? Did you flip of some paps? Oh! Did you snog each other because my ladylove and I nearly got caught by Simon once? Funny story."

"Oh, nothing," Harry quickly explained, pink rising to his cheeks.

Niall shook his head, "They are too touchy for management liking."

"What? Little extra they are."

"You work from them don't ya. Are you really surprised?" Liam asked, shaking his head.

"Well not really. I work for Syco not Modest so I have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I give them a list of events you've been invited to and a file of events I already went ahead and planned, then they go over them. Making their agendas, contacting places to go over regulations and rules they must follow. Pretty boring stuff."

"Well fuck. I was kind of wishing you would know a little more." Louis rolled his eyes.

Clarie signed, "I have nothing to do with your PR team and Management. I'm just on the business side of things, that and what Simon lets me in on."

"Damn, I never comprehended how much went into six averaged teens," I said in disbelief.

Claire gave me a strange look, "Average? Far from it, Up All Night is ranking higher than any other album I've ever seen in this industry and I've been doing this for a couple of years now. One Direction is a band of superstars-"

"And here today we have the one and only One Direction. They will be joining us in less than 10 minutes for the release of their first album Up All Night." The host interrupted Clarie.

"Fuck-" She muttered before she quickly stood up, jogging away from us with a wave as she made her way to a spot behind the cameras.

"Now tell me, One Direction, how does it feel to have your first album out to the world, millions already purchasing it. How does it feel to be superstars?"


There was the phrase again.

We aren't superstars, we just were average teenagers with extraordinary jobs. That's all.


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